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Everything posted by thornblade

  1. BW, You're useing DAB, I can't tell yall how many times i'v heard BW talk bad about DAB in the past. I'm speachless he's useing it......... just.. just unheard of.
  2. yea they stacked stormstrike like 16times
  3. there are alot of mine hehe but somehow there are multiple versions of me on the same server... maybe they rerolled with same name i duno
  4. Oooooh so thats where we put the dead hooker. I was wondering where she went off to. And for thoes of you wondering. "No!" That hooker was dead when we bought her. Ahem... She must be in Usagi's or hykos' trunk, cause all I found was an unconsumed six-pack of coors light... So that's what the smell in my car is!!! Damnit Todd I said put her in Gareth's car. Geez it's so hard to find good help these days. lol, when i left you where passed out next to the dead hooker, you should be thankful i diden't leave her next to you
  5. eh... i guess, btw check your trunk
  7. hehe remember that day that dude came up to me and told me his mod said he could disenchant me shiki?
  8. warlocks have good dps i can have corruption ticking for 152 a tick on a mob while i shoot SBs at it that will hit for over 1000 none crit with CoS and if Nightfall procs i get instant shadowbolts so i woudlent say the dps would go down. it's true curses dont stack but CoS and CoE up the dps of the whole raid (after 1.9 CoE will effect frostbolts from how they're changeing it) plus iv had CoD hit for over 4000 (they cant crit) not bad for a hit that is pastive as long as you wait a minute for it to go off plus unlike hunters and mages when we run outa mana we can lifetap get more mana and bandage and be back to havein 2500 mana to burn on a boss. we're not gimped for dps is what im saying (all these numbers iv done or do on regular basis not just random forum SS i saw)
  9. I understand we need our heals i love our healers they keep me alive . But does it always have to be the warlocks that only take 4? I dont wana hijack the thread so i'll keep it short plus i think it's a topic for the members section not general. oh well just thought i'd say something since apearantly i wasen't the only warlock who thought something was strange about it. But if yall got a plan thats cool by me
  10. i hear what your're sayin sonny i'v noticed the squize lately too but i think that every class is felling that so i dont really have any complaints about it. The only thing i don't like is how the warlocks only get 4 slots while everyone else gets 5 or more (for MC, i noticed on onyxia the melee gets limited to so i know some more ppl know how i fell but that's one boss not all the bosses in that instance (even tho there is only 1 boss there i know)). I see how earlyer there wasent enuf warlocks so the 4 slots that where open where fine but now that we got alot more i fell that it would be open back to 5 to be fair to all the classes. just thought id add my 2 cents i dont wana be added to list of warlocks that complain alot aka forums.worldofwarcraft.com.
  11. hehe yea maybe awa12
  12. me ratava elminster hykos kalsor shikimaru and usagimidori where at awa to
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