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Everything posted by thornblade

  1. So is this the official thread to start posting messed up pics with Amanda's name on them?
  2. Alot more ghetto looking but still worth it.
  3. i'm so happy i'm not in there
  4. tom buys cheesy tacos
  5. steve perry is awesome
  6. Last time i went to sleep in their basement i woke up at 5am with a monkey screaming at me.
  7. take ss's of new config panels n stuff
  8. LOL pirate costume = fail
  9. i was doing about 100 more dps then you last night tom but we were doing alot of aoe stuff.
  10. thornblade


    watermelon lol
  11. BW is gona have some weird voltron / powerrangers sex game.
  12. lol amanda me brian and eric went once ask me about it this weekend
  13. What happens to you if you just eat once a day
  14. It's just the beer that they make so no jager http://www.sweetwaterbrew.com/ They make lots of diffrent "flavors" tho i think they usually are brewing about 4 or 5 diffrent ones at a time so you can switch between those if you'd like.
  15. god i hope we get the hot tour guide agian because haveing a hot chick in a mini skirt give you a tour around a brewery almost makes the year.
  16. Welcome to the jungle HV, welcome to the jungle
  17. yaya common knowledge i'll be there SBing vag's all night long.
  18. yea they suck, but noone else rolled and i can look neet in the char select screen with the rest of my t5 plus when they anounced MS for us before they changed it back i wished i had a fast offhand and i diden't have one so this gives me an option if blizz ever gives me a reason to use fast offhand.
  19. at least i look pretty
  20. If i ever find out where blizzard employees live i'm murdering their family while he's at work and leaving a note that says change the offhand to 2.7
  21. Best part of this thread is all the ppl looking at it lol
  22. Do i still get to guess tom? or answer.
  23. how... how do you use the internet and not knows what a rar file is...... half of the internet is rared up..... kinda...... not trying to me an ass just confused.
  24. "A Human Bot Fly larvae, burrowing into your brain. Eating your thoughts." They know all our secrets!!!
  25. penis rat 1 vag 0
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