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Everything posted by thornblade

  1. thornblade


    i'v installed about 10 diffrent versions of linux operating systems and they're usually easyer than installing windows so if you got that down you should be good. They really put alot of effort in makeing the installation easy because most people have the same fears you do about installing it. If you don't understand a question read it twice i'm sure you'll figure it out. Also if you're hardware is a year old then ubuntu will probly just work outa the box with all your hardware.
  2. LOL i love how bw has to use the internet to see what happened to his fridge 15ft away
  3. If you stop by friday bring that
  4. Trivia: 8% of kids like to doodle this _________
  5. Ratava went shopping one time in the last like 8 years and somehow bought the same shirt that i owned so i told him he had to take it back cause well 2 guys cant wear the same shirt thats just weird
  6. thornblade


    sadly i also know who it is i think i like it cause i have no idea what shes saying and shes kinda hot. and i like the can you keep a secret video with the robot. but i haven't listened to any of her stuff since that cd came out so i have no idea what shes up to now.
  7. lol, when he called collect it reminded me of when i was in school and my mom would forget to come pick me up and i diden't have any money so i'd call collect and say "mom come get me" as my name.
  8. Bairdreen = teh classic
  9. thornblade

    UI Mods

    *sigh* he's right it's eepanels quick simple guide of how it works HERE#@!$!!!!!!! BOOBMUFFINS
  10. !!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. i'm so happy that wasen't the recruitment video they showed in HS or else i'd be enlisted.
  12. altho i think this is one of those custom things they do to the game. but the GH3 version might be like it i duno
  13. LOL, i'm so happy you're JR and live in Texas.
  14. /hurry and lvl bairdreen since he's the only one attuned
  15. it's true i walked in on bw tappin that and it was blue everywhere O.O and it hurt his wee wee
  16. i'm more disapointed in the channel that aird this report, Jay Leno's been doing this bit like once a week every night on a popular late night U.S talk show for a long time. All that was was comedy not news... It's very easy to find stupid ppl if you ask enough questions. On a side note i'm American and i laugh at stupid U.S ppl all the time. The guy whois "who is throwing the rocks" is my new hero btw
  17. LOL theres so a quest for Toms mom in the game too.
  18. i'm more sad that i know what it is that tom posted
  19. LOL nice e-mail
  20. Dude... wait.. what!??! silly joe MS is for rogues
  21. oooooo so hilarious and yet strangely erotic
  22. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0843873/ i hear that this one is axually a true story since it dosen't have Mr. Jackson please ban it
  23. BW just wants a liter of cola
  24. yea that exact reason is why washington was my favoite president
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