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Everything posted by paigow

  1. wtf.. i spent mine... grrrrr .............
  2. paigow

    Computer Upgrade!

    try this one, good reviews, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...=eVGA%208800GTS
  3. went to game stop for warhammer, asked about wotlk, the manager checked , and he was like hmm.... seems i can now take preorders on the ce so presto i got it changed, but than something interesting happened cause like 10 other peeps in the store overheard that the ce sku was now in the gamestop pos , so they got in line and changed their orders too, it was funny , they stared calling their friends while waiting in line, then gamestop started getting phone calls about ce preorders, seems i started a ce frenzy in my game stop.. and i only want the ce for the ice dragon pet, of course..lol
  4. paigow

    Hayden Panettiere

    that was funny, and sad, i wish i my vote really meant something.... gore/kerry
  5. wonder what they gonna name it when the gov. takes it over, cause do you think aig can pay back 85 billion dollars ? and where the hell did the gov. find/get 85 billion dollars ?.... did they sell a toilet seat to china ?
  6. i dont know why , when i think about clams, the geico gekko pops into my head, and i hate clams,, eww...... 12 gold for a hair cut/dye job for paigow = gold well spent
  7. i work for applebee's ... if you only new what "riblets" really are... 5 reorders.... thats a lot, usual is 1 reorder per guest...
  8. never give anyone your password,,, that's the rule for Anything on the Internet.. .......
  9. its tyson vs holyfield , its gonna sell and make millions, wait till they start hyping it in the media, commercial hell , micheal phelps will ref the fight , but in the end everyone knows whats gonna happen, poor brock is gonna lose a leg.... i really like your sig bishop ... lol
  10. hope brock has a good chin...
  11. i hoping to be back by tue/wed, i miss raiding ....
  12. thanks for the post sauce, i plan to play it at launch .................
  13. the art reminds me of squidbillies.. lol dan halen is the man..
  14. paigow

    Diablo 3!!!

  15. paigow


    im getting a ps3 for starwars... cant wait... // /// .......
  16. the al gore movie is the most horricfic movie ive ever seen.... eveyone needs to watch it... even if you dont like al,,, you need to see it
  17. remember, if you want to be cool... and hang out with all the cool kids, vote for mr. cool..... he has really no experience for the job.... but.... he looks great in a suit and can read really well off a teleapromter ... did i mention ... hes soo cool and seems the ladies love him...so vote .... GWB .... aka ... OBAMA im sure he can fix the our countries problems with the power of coolness... including our problem with the poor honeybees ,,, they are dying off ...
  18. who knows ? maybe Al gore would of done something,, but no... seems , big indusrty,oil,eletric,car manufacturers didnt want him anywhere near the white house
  19. our planet is dying at an alarming rate.... why is nothing really happening to stop the damage ? answer: MONEY...PROFIT...China.... America....Cows... yes.. cows....its crazy the amount of damage they do to the enviroment we could fix it but... that means we have to change our lifestyles from what we eat,drive,how we play and even stopping 3rd world countries from developing... 2012 is comming ... so soon it will be all over... and then ,, problem solved......
  20. priest one looks really good ......
  21. paigow

    Age of Conan

    love you new sig
  22. paigow

    Grind Music!!

    one word,,, brintney
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