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Everything posted by paigow

  1. paigow


    /sad, i wanted to buy another season 4 piece today
  2. paigow

    Almost Here !!

  3. paigow

    happy day !

  4. paigow

    Who Voted?!

    wow, they say this will be the highest voter turn out in 100 yrs.... the lines are so long, around buildings and such, reminds me of the line for burning crusade...lol and anyone predicting a obama landslide ?
  5. paigow

    Who Voted?!

    i voted at 1pm, was quick and painless,
  6. they should of made KOTOR 3, the return of revan
  7. that really sucks, i had my account hacked, i feel for you bro,
  8. paigow


    i watch that show for the crazy doctor too,
  9. http://www.mmo-champion.com/index.php?tab=8&page=777
  10. paigow


    i remember when i did my first gold grind for the flying skill, the pay off way way worth it, i flew around SMV for hours, grats on your new mount !
  11. paigow


    i thought andrie helped him
  12. paigow


    cause comma's are cool .............
  13. the dungeon master achiv. looks fun...
  14. it double posted ............................
  15. priceless, future looks promising ............................
  16. paigow


    i have like 25k, i even got hacked for my gold, they stole 4k of it, that hurt me, cause i had to farm it back ,but i did , now im happy again, is it just me, i hate watching michael phelps talk, he reminds me of screech....
  17. just say when , and im there, and i still have 3 pieces of trancendence, and my prophcy robe, i can't bare to disenchant them, cause i think it would hurt paigow...
  18. paigow


    impressive farming ryeeeeeee .......... i think im gonna buy the inscription mats, and lvl it in a day
  19. Account Created: Oct. 14 2004 11:22:21 PM Last Login: Oct. 2 2008 11:50:08 AM amg... almost 4yrs....
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