when ever gov. tries to step in and fix a problem for the people, a problem that the people clearly dont want to touch,the people will have a problem with it, cause nobody wants to be reminded that what they are doing is wrong,or do anything to fix it their selves, lol, its the american way, complain there is a problem, and when the gov. tries to fix it, they say wtf gov. leave us alone and stay out of our business, childhood obesity:
in this instance, i agree with this town, the toy in the happy meal is a gimick used to sell the happy meal, obesity in this county is wayyyyy out of control, its so far out of control, that there are organizations that lobby for obese rights, it soo bad that eating healthy has become a "life style choice" and the prices to buy such food are ever increasing, bottle of water is 2.50, bottle of soda 1.25, you body is a machine, you put bad shit in it its gonna fuck up and breakdown, that belly you got didn't grow overnight, lol, you lvled that that extra weight, and the parents of obese children should be fined for neglect and endangerment, lol, in the video the townswomen that spoke up about it, was ,, umm a bit overweight herself,
ps, here is the #1 weight loss tip, and its guaranteed to work, :dont eat processed food:
sorry for the rant,