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Everything posted by Dagorian

  1. zomg!! where the hell is mekock!! anyone know when he's coming back >.<
  2. Quite a few of us had issues here and there... but i heard that upgrading to the latest catalyst 6.3 also works... i hvnt done it yet. For some reason it wont let me update my driver. =/
  3. Zomg... i love the quintessence solution... its about friggin time.
  4. zomg! we wtfpwned chromaggus! nef is around the corner... this wont take long!! lets keep it up!
  5. zomg awesome videos!! more more! still downloading broodlord... loved razor & vael... mages hv such fun! edit: broodlord was nicely done too!
  6. Dagorian

    gryph, -50 dkp?

    Just wanted to add when he was in the wall and disconnected (but his character was still online) he still tanked Chrom for that whole duration... that has to be some kinda compensation!
  7. i cant stop staring at sado's sig... damnit!! /troll /hi
  8. I didnt know he came back... i was just trying to delay you from capping but then again pretty obvious that you came after me since i forced res. I got pwned on the 1vs1 part tho =P Next time i see you, rest assured i'm gonna be hiding and aim shoot you when you're not looking!
  9. Damnit Gore... you just killed me twice in row within a span of 30secs in AB! lol *Makes Goreslash macro for next time*
  10. Seriously... why do ppl stay in his guild?
  11. Dagorian

    Guild Wars

    I bought it to play when the servers are down during maintenance... but yea... i lost interest in GW pretty fast.
  12. You've definitely killed me a few times on my hunter.
  13. http://youtube.com/watch?v=Y3gFKW7KStc Just watch it... lol.
  14. Dagorian

    For you Ony nubs

    ROFL... i cracked up so much during that... i seriously hope that was staged... or else i feel sorry for that guild! LOL.
  15. http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.a...r&t=142957&p=20 There was a request to remove Apop off the raiding list... did they disband? What happened? My closest encounter with Apop has been Shinto but i've waved at them outside of BGs and stuff... >.< edit: post count 711.. muaha my birthdate!
  16. Dagorian

    Hakkar 2.0

    Man.. i loved the first song.. the 'Ghetto Music' one... who sings it? Nice movie!
  17. ZOMG!!! Grats guys!! Awesome! Wish i was there... stupid time differences and class schedules. Nonetheless grats guys!!
  18. Read this on the WBC forums: http://forum.wendigobrewing.com/Topic30121-2-1.aspx Just a small insight of what to expect if u choose to embark on upgrading ur T0 set. I'm not gonna embark on this until i see the new stats and bonuses for Feralheart.
  19. Sounds great! Is it like some kinda program? Tour? How long will your holiday be?
  20. Haha.. the ad is funny. The kid thing is messed up... fake or not fake... he sweared A LOT!
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