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Everything posted by Dagorian

  1. OMG.. i'm loving this so much!!
  2. Bored at work again bro?
  3. Dagorian

    Hey all!!

    Haha... yea i've been to ur forums a few times... i'll register and troll over there too!! I pretty much always engage when I see a UP... just for some fun! =)
  4. Haha the credits part is ftw! That was a weird movie tho... O.o /moves away from Kibai...
  5. Woot i hv new things to make fun of Hvi now!! Haha.. btw oreos ftfw.
  6. I dont want it to come out yet! >.< Still so much to do!
  7. Dagorian

    Nef down

    Woot i'll post here too! GRATS AGAIN GUYS!
  8. Grats peeps! I'm so happy right now!
  9. Wow... uber customised GarUI. Notice how i'm on his screenie! /famousx2
  10. OH EM GEE... its true... >.< On a serious note tho... big misconception... most south-east asians do not consume pet animals... however there're those who treat them as a delicacy. North and onwards, pets are consumed more frequently... specifically dogs, not cats. Westerners find it disgusting but i know more westerners in asia who've tried dog than actual asian people who've eaten it. Its a clash of cultures... what you see as a household pet is seen as a delicacy by a minority in some asian countries. Hindus find it disgusting at how we consume beef as cows are holy animals to them. So some things westerners consider normal is seen as degrading by easterners and vice versa. Keep an open mind =)
  11. Seriously... come to asia... bean sprouts are ftw... its probably my favourite VEGETABLE! Everyone <3s bean sprouts over there. So i can relate to 8 and... lemme see... 9 too... i hv loads of basketball shoes and skater shoes. And probably 5 too.
  12. Haha... i cracked up when i saw lexannick's UI! My UI will be up soon... i'm still not 100% happy with it!
  13. ZOMG.. whispera too! >.< Man... this will be my last post on this thread... its all really sad! It was an honour to innervate you every now and then whispera... /hug! Take care and i hope you too will continue to enjoy and play the game!
  14. It's been an honour to know you shoop! Even though we didnt a lot of things the same way, you hv made a huge difference to this guild and I respect that! Its just game and I hope you will still enjoy playing it as time passes! Good luck & take care!
  15. i was there for awhile... where's my shoutout >.<
  16. The encounter is awesome... but like siege's sig... those 15min breaks are a killer! =/
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