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Everything posted by Dagorian

  1. Dagorian


    /+1 /troll
  2. Awesome work! Compile it and call it the 'Hykos Compilation Bonanza' or something... ! =D
  3. Gignor has invaded teh FP forums! Yay!
  4. QFT! Altho... i do enjoy super smash bros and games like that every once in awhile with friends...
  5. Oh yea... that EU GM thread is awesome... a lot of dumb questions asked by the community but there's some nice stuff in there. Hykos shoved onto that thread awhile back... t'was interesting!
  6. http://ve3d.ign.com/articles/707/707846p1.html /drool @ Hammer of the Twisting Nether
  7. Awesome post hahaha.
  8. ROFL... tunak tunak tun dance!! i like the draenei dance!! The bloodelf one is awesome too.. like something outta an anime lol
  9. The flying mounts are crazee!!!! i want one!
  10. ZOMG <3 the druid set bonus. The 6th bonus is something i was thinkin about this morning... something to make regrowth more effective and goddamnit they implemented it. Of course theirs is more effective... i was just thinkin about regrowth increasing the health of the target for a period of time... something like inspiration does with armor.
  11. Dagorian

    Alliance Race

    God damnit... totally forgot that the draenei were descendants of the eredar! Well all that speculation of draenei, wisps + archimonde and eredar were all pretty damn close. However, its a wicked race... zomg... the draenei are the new night elves.. i foresee many lvl1 draenei.
  12. Dagorian

    Alliance Race

    oo interesting...
  13. Sweet stuff man! Grats and welcome back!!
  14. Dagorian

    Alliance Race

    aye.. when i read that i got so excited. ancient wisps + body or archimonde... i hope the racials are good... it sounds like such an awesome idea for a faction.
  15. It might be meant for pallies and in the lore it probably gave pallies specific abilities to enhance their powers. But for the sake of balancing the game... it'd hv to be open to warriors and probably hunters too so the horde wont whine lol.
  16. If only stats like that would exist on a staff. It does look like a fake... put that in the hand of a mage like Nyne would just make him overpowered flatout. However, the fact that u can turn into a crow makes it druid-only since we hv druids of the claw and druids of the talon! ZOMG Warcraft lore FTW! As for the stats Gar posted... one emote will do... O.o
  17. Explains it... they released info too early.. meh. Just head to the immo forums... some nice speculation on the new alliance race and some of the new stuff in 1.11.
  18. zomg krieger... i remember reading a magazine article about this some time ago... yea this is some amazing stuff right there.
  19. I still find it ridiculous that it took them 9 days to give you that response and it wasnt even a reply to your ticket but a blue response on a forum. Granted they might hv been investigating other cases but if they just took one look at your ticket they'd probably know right away whether they'd be able to redistribute the loot in the first place. =/
  20. http://www.notaddicted.com/forums/showthread.php?t=310 Haha... pretty damn funny... he posted about this awhile back so its kinda old news but he made a nice little summary of it!
  21. Dagorian


    If i'm online and just jumping around in IF not doing anything productive... throw me an invite!
  22. Dagorian


    hahaha noice!
  23. Hahaha awesome pics! That shirt is sweet! Man that screenie of u tanking looks so intense, i remember that time we stood behind u for sulfuron... its scary man...
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