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Everything posted by Dagorian

  1. Dagorian


    lol... esteban is on his awesome posting spree *again*
  2. Dagorian


    About damn friggin time... your mum called me a few days ago and i thought something bad happened or you left her a msg to log into your account and park you or something lmao... thanks for picking up my certificate dude... saved me a long-ass trip!! X-mas store attendant?? Dude.. i told you the plan... locate a cybercafe that has WoW... ask if they hv a job opening and then apply. If they're full... find some employee you dont like there, get him fired and problem solved! Hehe... good luck man! Serbitar and you should get a job together that'd be awesome... makes it less boring. Btw... Nyc's back! Another reason for you to get back ingame.
  3. Satisfied - NE Rogue from The Dark Shadow Council. In UBRS just after Rend... this rogue ninjas a 300 Alchemy recipe that was apparently worth quite a bit and got all the alchemists worried. Kept saying 'ok' and 'np' to the ML and used his RTU on a brilliant chromatic scale which he thankfully didnt get cos he failed to link the quest and reward in a PM. He then proceeds to log and everyone gets pissed off... 20mins later he comes back on and runs up to us and finds out we're rolling on SC Belt that just dropped... he uses his RTU again lol... do note he already had a SC Belt. To cut it short... Transcendence mass-negotiated and managed to trade the SC Belt for the recipe - musta be worth quite a lot as they didnt kick him and were very calm in talking to him. A Trans member won the RTS for that recipe. Anyway... things worked out in the end kinda... but if you guys see this rogue or group with him... becareful... he isnt too bright cos this recipe doesnt drop all the time and generally blues tend to be worth more than greens hence he was tricked. I wouldnt blame his guild though.. maybe for recruiting him, thats about it... he can't speak english and is not familiar with the standard loot rules which could make him a farmer.
  4. Dagorian


    Not sure where to post this but Ravenheart left for Australia about 2 days ago for a 2-month holiday/work experience with a friend in Perth. He will be back before X-mas. He mentioned it a couple of times on the forum... he told me to wait a few days so he could try to make the post if he could get onto a computer with internet but I think he hasn't had the time or the luck/money to go to a cybercafe. Anyway... for now atleast, he will be online in a range from not at all to occassionally... he does not hv a laptop and currently he's hoping to rent a computer over there as cybercafes tend to be too expensive in the long run so I have no idea how active he will be until he actually updates us on his status. Just wanted to let you fellas know the reason of why he might be inactive - so dont kick him! lol. He wanted to post this before he left but he was really bogged down with last minute things he had to get done before he left and every spare minute he had was spent on WoW just in case he would not be able to play over there - however, if he's anywhere as addicted as some of us... he will find a way to play! Hopefully we will hear from him soon!
  5. Azuregos looks pretty cool! =)
  6. Dagorian

    Bloodlord Down

    Grats guys!!
  7. Dagorian


    Awesome guys... now that we've had FPs do it... they now know more about this world boss and who knows... mayb one day we'll be able to pull thru with a FP-only raid =)
  8. Wield it with pride... wield it with pride! Awesome accomplishment! Kudos to ya!
  9. Didnt realise we'd hv to change our style as a guild.. wouldnt want that.
  10. Prettyinplate ftw... thats pretty awesome. Snugglepops sounds like an icecream brand thats... uhh... snuggly? Seriously... cute names ftw... then bring her to AV and get her to charge/intercept into a group of horde!!! All horde will get distracted by the name allowing us to gain the advantage!!!
  11. The 4 new dragons from the emerald dream... i'm so curious about the lore behind this one... i really want to know the fate of malfurion stormrage. From the stuff they drop... i know our feral druids are gonna press forward on attempting them lol! But they're gonna be friggin hard... their loot is just so awesome!
  12. These guys drop some uber stuff... as well as the eye of shadow that our priests will need badly now that we can down domo - and we need to get them their epic staff so that we, druids, mages, warlocks etc. have one less class to compete against when some sweet healing/dmg weapon or offhand drops in MC Anyway... i'm just wondering if we plan to give these 2 bosses a shot one day... i know that many guilds hv little alt warlock bots around their spawn points to farm them but i saw azuregos just waltzing around azshara the other day while i was giving duke hydraxis a visit. Would be awesome if we could add these 2 bosses to our kill list. Or hv FP attempted them before... does anyone hv experience with either of them btw?
  13. Yep... that was an awesome haul! We gotta keep it up... cant let ourselves get too comfortable.
  14. Just read that rag guide... guess when we start takin domo regularly we all should just port over to rag and practice those positions and mayb give it a little test and take him on and see how we do. As for serious attempts... those potions are gonna make us all poor.. but it'll be worth it to down that overgrown fireball. Its all about gear as well... we need to get prophets geared up!
  15. we're so gonna pwn him!! man... i really hope i can go the whole way with u guys on our next MC adventure!!
  16. woot! congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =) FP pwns!!!!!!!!!
  17. Although I wasnt there today... i agree with panda and whispera... we're progressing at a good pace in MC. I overheard some discussion on guild chat about how we should move faster and beat other guilds who've been attempting domo and rag for some time now - I disagree with that... fine... if we down domo before them and beat other guilds... sweet accomplishment but we shouldnt rush and make a mess out of everything. As we do MC more often... our excecution on strats will become smoother and more natural. Keep in mind that our fight up to domo during the past week included a lot of first timers in MC (like me) so obviously it'd be a little longer and messier, but FP will keep getting better at it as long as we keep doing it and be positive. As for Kopi's suggestions... we should consider it... i've watched a few domo videos and they all pretty much follow the same strat of sheeping the healers.. takin down 1 elite then follow up with the 4 healers then take out the remaining elites and defeating Domo once that is all done. A lot of emphasis on the DPS with a lot of spam healing. In terms of skill, yea... we can down domo... and we will! Just keep in mind... he's the final boss before rag so without a doubt he's a lot harder than anything we've enountered before so we cant expect to down him on our 1st or 2nd attempt. Just like onyxia... just because we've downed her a few times doesnt mean its a guarantee we'll get her next time around... farming domo, onyx and eventually rag will only come with practice and experience. As for healing... yea... like all other aspects there is room for improvement which is why we hv this thread. I dont know much about domo... but i reckon we hv to be a bit more specific in terms of who heals who. Its so common that 2 or more healers will waste their mana while healing the same target cos we dont want him/her to die. The only exceptions to overhealing are probably our MTs we cant afford for them to die, but healing everyone else... it would definitely save mana if we shift responsibilites of certain groups to certain healers. Also for priests who call innervate... i think us druids should discuss in advance who innervates first or we pick a priest to innervate when he/she is low on mana. There were times when a priest got a double innervate... sweet for the priest but not neccessary.
  18. Serious?! Hope i'll see u online sometime... gar's too quiet
  19. Drop CoH and come back to WoW... now! lol.
  20. lol... thats hilarious! nice positioning!
  21. awesome pic stang! i'm so glad we nailed him on the 4th run... i feel so much lighter now... even though nothin druid-related dropped, i didnt zone in on the kill and i died at 15%.. i'm still bloody happy that we nailed that overgrown cow with scales!
  22. LUC! Haha.. those magic-like cards are awesome!!
  23. Damn... i wont be able to make it altho i'm up for ubrs... 2pm is 2am for me and i kinda need the sleep if i'm gonna make the 6.30pm startting time =/
  24. Hahaha! I totally forgot about... that was awesome... sanctuary + combined guild effort = FPFTMFW I took a screenie too.. but urs looks so much better.
  25. Grats to all FP with their gear... you guys deserved it! It was an awesome run! We worked real hard the past 2 runs and managed to right our wrongs and even get out of our 1st attempt-wipe habit at the end! lol. Now we just have to nail onyxia and domo and we'll be farming her and MC! woot!
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