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Everything posted by Dagorian

  1. I was just thinking about a possible alliance race... pandarens seem unlikely as we hvnt seen them much in WC lore and they hvnt contributed as much. However... i thought of one... and it'd be so godly awesome if it happened... we know that the dragon aspects hv a pretty close relation to the alliance.. more so than the horde. We also know that dragon aspects can take on the form of a humanoid. So... bloodelves are awesome... its only fair that blizzard would hv to create an equally awesome race for the alliance. Then taking a look at events... the emerald dream is being corrupted... the dragon aspects in general are hving major problems and are still recovering from past wars. They need to seek the help of other races. I think hving a dragon aspect faction in humanoid form would be awesome! Naturally.. they wouldnt be overpowered... the aspects themselves will hv no involvement but we could place it that the children of the dragons hv taken it into their own hands to save their parents and so join the alliance to fight off the burning legion (their main enemy) and obviously the horde... they hv more enemies in the horde than the alliance. Discuss. =P
  2. Haha... i didnt fall for it if thats what u mean... simple clue... its not a .jpg I wont say anymore... Sorry roxee... i've learned from the past.
  3. She looked so awesome in sin city! Btw... if you ever wanna pick up men... just use that line u said.. leave out the "if i were a man" part tho and just say that jessica alba turns you on... they'll be piling in and be eating out of your hands =P
  4. The Naga didnt follow Illidan to Outlands.. they live under the sea near the maelstrom. They're nightelves corrupted by the arcane magic (former highborne) and hv evolved due to their surroundings underwater. Omg... i just double-checked on bloodelves and my memory is damn good lol. Here it is... the blood elves are former high elves... they renamed themselves to avenge their brethren who fell during the plague and became part of the scourge (now forsaken). The highelves, now bloodelves, had helped the alliance on many war encounters but because of their addiction to the arcane they also formed an alliance with the naga. Because of this relation.. the Alliance sentenced them to execution and the bloodelves fled to outlands (formerly draenor) where they pledged themselves to Illidan who promised them to teach them how to siphon the life from others to fuel their ability to practice magic. The bloodelves were desperate since they were cut off from the powers of the well of eternity because of the alliance - this basically explains why the bloodelves are on the side of the horde. However... it clearly states that the blood elves regard the naga as their only allies and that the orcs/trolls/tauren despise the corrupted bloodelves... so i'm curious to see how blizzard clears this up. The goals of the bloodelves are to eradicate all scourge... then eliminate the alliance, especially the night elves. Note... the high elves u see in WC3 are not bloodelves... they're surviving high elves who hv joined the humans for refuge much like the gnomes joined the dwarves. The bloodelves together with Illidan conquered outland and the draenei joined forces with them as well. They tried to assault arthas the lich king but failed. Illidan returned to outland whereas many bloodelves remained on azeroth which explains their starting grounds in northern EPL. So... from WC lore... we know that bloodelves are clearly the allies of the naga... but naga arent playable so the closest they fit to is the horde.. they hv a common enemy i.e. the alliance. The forsaken dont like the horde nor the alliance but for the meantime they'll join forces with the horde as the tauren try to heal them yet the alliance has totally extradited the undead. Same situation for the bloodelves... no one in the horde likes them... but they'll tolerate them more so than the alliance. From this... possible horde races in the future could be the naga and the draenei. My only problem here is that the bloodelves could still be under the influences of the burning legion and that the forsaken could still be influenced by arthas the lich king... mayb not now but somewhere down the road. In other words... the bloodelves or the forsaken could be the downfall of the horde. There's a lot of room for WC lore... blizzard could screw this up massively or create something uberly complex. What pisses me off tho... is that there's hardly any info on possible alliance races... so not much going on there. But the alliance has massive problems too.. the corruption of the emerald dream so the nightelves hv lost a lot of their druids for now as well as the threat of the old god's bitches i.e. ragnoras... guilds hv only defeated a weakened form of himself... and for those who hv 5-manned a brd emprun should know that the heir to the IF throne has dark iron blood and could be influenced greatly by the old gods. God... its mindboggling.
  5. I really hope we dont get pandarens for the alliance... i mean pandas are cool and all... but i cant imagine it for some reason... Also... i'm just wondering how they plan to increase the lvl cap to 70 and not hv hero classes... how is this gonna work? I imagine hving 40 lvl70s doing MC or BWL would be too easy (duh) wat does everyone else think?
  6. zomg... i've seen the screenies before.. seriously tho... bloodelves at least from those pics look kinda freaky... all nice and peaceful looking with like this lurking atmosphere that'd they tear any non-bloodelf apart if u appeared there O.o i'm really curious and cant wait to see wat happens at blizzcon... the bloodelf racial traits sound a bit ridiculous tho... wat abt non-mana classes and wouldnt a aoe silence be a bit overpowered?
  7. Dagorian

    Sumic Go Poof

    Sad to see you go sumic... enjoyed hearing you on vent =P Good luck on ST... hopefully see you on SC with urugly from time to time!
  8. Just read it on the forums... Trans is moving to ST too. Also... apparently alot of our good alliance pvp'ers are moving to ST... we're gonna suck more in AV now lol.
  9. Wow.. grats on getting hitched! Looking forward to the pictures!
  10. i bet the devs are gonna read thru it and laugh. somehow... i get a sense of sarcasm when i read it.
  11. lol... its being discussed by the officers on whether we're moving over but it looks like we're staying.
  12. AAwww... well i'm glad the 3 of us did that baron run together... hopefully we'll see you back here soon again. In the meantime i'll be bugging Garnok as per usual! =)
  13. Hahaha... ya i was just reading thru SC and Smolderthorn forums... i doubt any high-end guilds will move over apart from the rumours that Exodia might. But i'm really hoping a lot of people will leave... anyway...
  14. man... that was so awesome! there're 3 quests to do as well... 2 of them are "pvp" ones that start in southshore and the 3rd one starts in the orphanage in stormwind. as a reward you get halloween treats that basically transform u into pirates, a overgrown orange version of urself, a skelly, spirit form floating above the ground etc. you can also buy the treats from the npc next to the bank
  15. lol... that was a riot. Mekock and i were in ubrs when that happened... People started leaving when they saw my tabard... >.< (j/k)
  16. I can guarantee you against a good shammy... or a smart group of horde... not even a druid can outrun them 100% of the time. There was a nice analysis of client -> server delay and the fact that any smart shammy should know that if a druid is low on life and switches to caster form its mostlikely gonna be ns + heal... so they will purge around the same time you click ns and hence ur instaheal is pretty much gone. And if ur being attacked by a group and trying to fake ur ns by doing something else like hearthing and then interrupt and then ns... you're mostlikely gonna be dead by as they'd hv caught up by then. My general rule is that if its one horde... i'll always engage... even if i'm on the losing end... at least give them a hard time to kill me... Frostshock and if they close in on u... warstomp + earthbind... you're pretty much dead. I've outrun many horde like 1-2 of them... or even more if they're unprepared or stupid... but dont expect to get out every time... If i get gangbanged... i normally just hit /dance macro and sit back and enjoy. However... with 1.8... and without our nice 9/11/31 build... i reckon if ur a druid and get banged by horde... and especially if a shammy is there... hit grasp before u touch ns... most of the time they'll be trigger happy and purge watever u just casted so they waste their purge... and with grasp on if any of them get to hit u they'll be afflicted for awhile... and a higher chance u get ur ns + heal off... .
  17. The druid one looks awesome... i wanna do ZG sometime >.<
  18. Yea... in many ways i want them to update the damn tier2 sprites... but then again... if they do... looks like rogues win hands down with bloodfang again... =(
  19. Dagorian


    Damnit raven... i wish u guys were back here in kl rite now... i could really go for a drink =/
  20. But i'm taking a break from WoW and real life for awhile... at least a few days. I'm just so burned out from real life at the moment... i feel like the absolute pits... the shit hit the fan about 20mins ago and i really need to just sit back, breathe and reevaluate for awhile. I'm sorry but i just hv no motivation to do anything atm... i need a break. Good luck... hopefully see u guys sometime soon. Regards.
  21. How was ogrimmar?
  22. huh? could someone fill me in?
  23. Notice those skeletons on the top right nex to onyxia's head... i'm one of the many casualties... the sacrifices made to down that overgrown stuffed toy.
  24. Dagorian

    1.8 patch

    Patched and good to go... i'm gonna be one of the few druids who wont be a dancing moonkin or spend the rest of their lives in uber feral forms. Sticking to a 20/0/31 build for mostly PvE.
  25. This sucks man... i get so paranoid when things like this happen as there was mass account hacking in the last mmorpg i played... I've scanned and i think i'm ok... but changed my p/w just in case. I hope Turbo gets back untouched!
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