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Everything posted by Klaudia

  1. what. thats $539.64 a month to look like a total douche!
  2. tennis and video games? i could say something, but i won't, which is just as effective as saying it.
  3. hahahahahah jenna i love you
  4. there is no statement more accurate than this. and that was actually pretty funny, although i watched the first half with the volume down... her ass was distracting me
  5. Klaudia

    Oh Rachel Ray

    i hate rachel ray whore of babylon and i didnt even watch the clip but LMAO TOM ok i watched it and everything about that was wrong. her voice = nails on chalkboard
  6. yeah, dubai is pretty much city of DA FUTOUR
  7. Account Created: December 3, 2004 8:48:24 PM i spent the 23rd through the 3rd convincing my parents that this game would be beneficial to my health, and counting out 50 dollars from my change jar. true story [ps - i was also 16]
  8. portal makes your teef bleed
  9. Klaudia

    Free stuff!!

    theres "african americans" in the photo they show to illustrate just how easy it is to get free stuff!
  10. i think this is a good idea. i wrote an essay once on why donating to UNICEF is pointless. needless to say it was epic. screw you, peter singer. who by the way would be thrilled with the idea of human milk.
  11. you do realize that those feeding animals are bred specifically to be killed, frozen, and shipped off to feed pet snakes? in mass quantities? do you think the people who raise tens of thousands of quails and rats and mice knowing they are just going to becoming food treat them with any sort of recognition? we used to feed mice fetuses to our baby snakes. i have no idea how they GET mice fetuses, but i can only imagine! they were pretty cute though! if you really think a snake eating other animals is different [better?] than i would think letting the snake eat live animals would be more reasonable.
  12. heheheee Sabre-Toothed Portillo anddd Rot Pipeline Palin lawls
  13. awwww, fun!! i wanna go!!
  14. peta is full of perverts
  15. hoooooooooooooooooooly shit mars volta, no one will be able to match the amazingness that is omar. oh man i'm excited
  16. in gym doing stretches, our gym teacher had a radio set up, we all thought it was an accident or something. they sent us all home afterwards.
  17. oh shit that picture is awesome and yet terrifying yeah they haven't collided anything yet! i like the article i read where stephen hawking said he bet someone a hundred bucks that they wouldnt find the higgs particle. oh that hawking, such a big rolla
  18. oh, ghost!!! you perverted old man! you told me you were 18 =/ ..happy birthday =p
  19. Klaudia


    basically just click the kitten you think is cuter. my philosophy prof sent me this which makes it all the more amusing. http://kittenwar.com/ http://kittenwar.com/c_images/2005/05/09/4101.jpg this cat has lost many battles http://kittenwar.com/c_images/2007/02/07/114540.1.jpg
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