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Posts posted by Klaudia

  1. i'd be getting a screen printer to do it i'm not making anything off of this i'm just getting it started


    To be entirely honest I'm not cool with that, it was originally my idea and I think if anyone was to make them it should be me, since I was planning on it anyway...

    *cough*4 months ago I suggested this and had a printer lined up*cough*


    what, who, fwah?!






    i love you?

  2. haha shiki this is a nice thread


    Klaudia / 60 Mage- originally from Interview With the Vampire [book first damnit], it's Claudia in the book but I wanted a K. Yep. She was a warlock in beta which fit better cause Claudia is a bit of an evil little girl, but now she's a mage and still relatively evil =]


    Dijin / newb Hunter =[- This is a great story actually... but a long one so I'll cut it short. A dijin [original spelling is djinn] is a sort of magical spirit that connected with animals and whatnot.. there's a much cooler definition out there somewhere.


    Helian / 20something Warrior - My favorite flower is sunflower, latin name Helianus Annus, so yeah, I got Helian from there. Oh what a girl I am


    Hordies [not many cuz I hate em!!!]


    Cheveyo / Tauren Druid - this is actually Native American for something really awesome but I can't remember what =[ and it's making me mad cause man it was so cool


    Tarantella / Undead Priest [female]- Alright. Tarantism is, [besides my favorite word] by defintion - "A disorder characterized by an uncontrollable urge to dance, especially prevalent in southern Italy from the 15th to the 17th century and popularly attributed to the bite of a tarantula." and the Tarantella is the dance associated with Tarantism.


    Zayolin / Troll Shaman - Zayolin is an Aztec word for fly [the bug]. And y'know, shamans are annoying, as are flies, so..

  3. if we could get you to make them klaudia that would mean we can get it cheaper. and you already have the artwork. as for colors i was thinking we could go with the tabbard colors and a grey/white/black(with white lettering) as well. i was thinking paypal to transfer all the appropriate funds to you so you can get it done with no cost to you (besides your own shirt of course).


    i was thinking paypal as well, and we could probably offer a variety of colors and lettering. i'm going to ask my graphics teacher if i can use the silk screening machine at school, and if i can i could make them all no problem. i might have to order t shirts online depending on colors and quantity wanted, but i can also purchase them at a local craft store. i wouldn't mind buying the t shirts and ink and then charging for the materials and s&h; i think that would work out fairly.

  4. i'd be getting a screen printer to do it i'm not making anything off of this i'm just getting it started


    To be entirely honest I'm not cool with that, it was originally my idea and I think if anyone was to make them it should be me, since I was planning on it anyway...

  5. Plz we all know your fav bands are Lords of Acid and Dick Delicious and The Tasty Testicles, Alex told me so.


    damnit alex.... hey i forgot to put nuclear rabbit on there =-[ whoops haha


    ARRG! Unaceptable!! *Jean Baudin hits Amanda over the head with an 11-string bass*


    Jean Baudin is the SHIZNAT

  6. Yeah.. so because I'm totally an awesome famous graphic designer and all that I decided it was due time to tell the world... how.. uhm.. yeah, I thought this was a silly idea. I made this shizzle myself. And for the nerds who are interested in its creation I used stenciling, [although I'd really like to get into silk screening at some point] Photoshop, and a wee bit of sneaky research to find the original WoW text font for it. And a yellow t-shirt. I didn't make the t-shirt. Plz don't hurt meh.




    FPFTMFW! Actually I'm thinking of adding that somewhere later on.

  7. AFI<3

    the adicts

    against me!

    at the drive-in


    the beastie boys

    the beatles


    bleeding through

    the clash

    the cure


    david bowie!


    the doors

    from autumn to ashes


    joy division

    led zeppelin


    minor threat

    the misfits

    modest mouse

    pink floyd

    poison the well


    the smiths


    tiger army




    i tried to keep it small =p

  8. o_0


    i dunno how people can manage to die.. i mean it takes like 3 seconds to go downstairs and get a snack or something.. i can't imagine what they'd be doing in game that would take a couple days straight to do o_0

  9. Klaudia has a RL friend that plays horde on SC. And loofa did have a horde on a second account. Not sure if he still does.


    more like klaudia has a rl ex-boyfriend whom she does not wish to communicate with =p

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