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Posts posted by Klaudia

  1. This isn't drama!  This is shenanigans.


    you know, im REALLY tired of you hitting me with snowballs. i thought we were friends but i guess i thought WRONG. IM FURIOUSSSS


    okay there's my attempt at drama

  2. I say dark shirt and light text ftw...

    I would like FPFTMFW on the left breast and /famous on the back, but beggars can't be choosers  :roll:  

    15 bux sounds reasonable, if you set up a paypal thing I'll be all over it.


    Yep, I'm planning on using Paypal.

  3. So are we going with just one color for all the shirts?  If so, Navy Blue/White text (the FP tabard right now biggrin.gif) ftmfw.


    I'd be willing to pay whatever ya charge that's reasonable >.>  I don't know if it's possible to put a price on /famous.


    Heliacon thinks FPFTMFW would be cool on the Left sleeve.  Sort'a like a patch...but..not.


    Well, depending on the quantity of each color desired, we could probably do a few color combinations, such as yellow and black like the one I made or navy blue and white, etc. It really all depends on how many different colors are wanted. If everyone decides they'd be happy with navy blue and white, then we'll do that for everyone =p but if theres say five or so people that want yellow and black, then we'll do both!


    I'm gonna say around $15 or so, since that's the normal rate for silk screened t-shirts. Maybe less, maybe more, heh it depends on how much the t-shirts cost and the ink, if I do have to buy that.

  4. So it looks like we are going to be able to make the t-shirts! I got permission to use the silk screening machine at school, so I'm going to get started asap.


    First of all, I have some questions for everyone:


    - What color t-shirt would you want? Solid colors only, such as white, yellow, blue, etc. We are going to use black text on a lighter color shirt, or if a majority of people are interested, darker color shirts such as black and navy blue with white text may be available as well. The shirts will most likely be regular Hanes or similar brand men's t-shirts, in whatever sizes people need.


    - How much would you be willing to pay for a shirt? Keep in mind the price of the t-shirt will have to include shipping & handling, which I'm not sure how much that will be at this point but I'll try to find out.


    - If we were to place "FPFTMFW" somewhere, where would you want it? Some ideas are either on the sleeve, on the bottom of the back side, the middle of the back side, etc.. as of right now I'm not sure if we'll be able to do more text, but I'll try. Also, every t-shirt must be the same, so we would have to go with whatever location people chose the most.


    I'm also thinking of where we could put the order form for the t-shirts, whether it be a post on the forums, a separate webpage, etc.


    If anyone has any comments, questions or suggestions it would help me out a lot to hear them! I think this is going to work out really well and soon we'll all be sporting our own RL tabards XD Thank you all for the support, and I hope to hear lotses of opinions on this thread!


    - Klakla

  5. Cheveyo / Tauren Druid - this is actually Native American for something really awesome but I can't remember what =[ and it's making me mad cause man it was so cool


    Cheveyo - Spirit Warrior (from the Hopi tribe)


    thank you dear <3

  6. i think i figured out how to add people...so you may have to accpet me as a friend? i dunno everyone does this myspace crap for me lol....



    there there.. things will be ok.


    uhh, that's /soothe, noob! :-P




    i KNOW plz i was using both ok.

  7. um, take action and get more attention for it. thats what i did. i even stole the thunder from klaudia for a minute. =D


    yup /famous is Gryphs I don't know who we need to get permission from on the FPFTMFW idea though =/



    XD hey blame benny, he was the one who told me!

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