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Everything posted by Stricnyne

  1. Stricnyne


    fly safely.. even though you have absolutely no control over that, but best of wishes.. Me and Ghost will be back down soon... for what reason I don't know we'll make one up
  2. Stricnyne


    what a bunch of dorks... GAWD >.>
  3. WTB
  4. Stricnyne

    Hi FP!!!!

    trish is a nub.. that is all
  5. arty... send me an asian chick.. ASAP
  6. that is how i take my the edge off... 2 liters of vodka O.o
  7. Vah-Gynis... get ur quest log filled w/ nothing but "group" quest and let me know... I'll come 2 shot the entire planet and u'll ding and ding and ding...
  8. http://www.theage.com.au/ffximage/2005/12/21/greys_wideweb__470x354,0.jpg
  9. lol... I was in the top 20 lvl 70's and 2nd w/ a flying epic and 2nd w/ a Elekk.... not only that, i've made well over 4,000 gold since the release of BC.... I don't know what comes after I R ChiNa, but I'm pretty sure i'm @ that stage...
  10. lol... in case anyone who reads this cares.. dunk is referriing to when we were being camped outside of arcatraz yesterday, if you die outside the instance you have to either spirit rez or get rezzed well after i got camped/rezzed there was a drood hovering, with a false sence of saftey on his mount i took advantage of him.... dismounted 20'ish yards above him, slow falled.... hit Arcane Power/Trinket, and hit him with an insta frostbolt for 4500, a fire blast for 2k and a couple of 500'ish lances... I did the same to a priest and other people mistaking themselves as being protected on there mount... Mages/Priest can all do the same thing, as long as it's insta cast... droods.. if you are up far enough, shift out of bird, moonfire spam and shift back in b4 you hit the ground... don't let people think they are intimidating you by flying above you... eff that.. blast on 'em... next time i'll get it on video
  11. you didn't put links ot my video's up there... /deny
  12. the only problem with seed of corruption is that it is not effected by the 10 mob thing (or so I think), but there are close to no AOE pulls where I have had a problem yet... and for what esteban says.... he's a noob, my flame strike hits for about 1200 and AE for in the 700's...
  13. ohhh apoth... remember our first luci kill? what a glorious day... 4 hours to clear trash, 10 "attempts"... lol /old skool
  14. LoL @ Mav.... Apoth.. omg.. that seems like it was a different life time Welcome to the boards.. all tho I am not a troll I am around. Nice to see you are taking a tour of the Light Side..
  15. mages... did... not ... get... nefted... changes the coeffeciant means ups the multiplyer... so if you have 5 points in Imp frostbolt it changes the multiplyer of .85 by 10%... so effectily making it .95 of you total plus damage... and mana sheild absorbs magic = haxx as for counterspell.. it was a nerf when the put it on the GCD like 5 or 6 patches ago... now that they took it back off just makes it back to normal.
  16. lol, i vendored it yesterday
  17. thanks guys it was an amazing "race".... now, to get the rest of netherstorm/shadowmoon completed
  18. i belive i did call it....
  19. I love Scotch, Scotchy Scotch Scotch
  20. negative Dr. Shadowbolt.... bears won w/ a 49 yard FG in OT... Bears/Colts in the bowl... and boy will it be exciting.
  21. Stricnyne


    hellz yeah... by 1:00a CST I should be riding my fat ass elephant around outland... /train
  22. I'm cheering for both my Chicago Bears and kinda Indy.... but I'll QFT Ghost... all ur season belong to us!
  23. lol yeah, that fel reaver hit me for 170k.... it was funny
  24. A M A Z I N G !!
  25. in all honesty i got from 60-68 (b4 they nerfed XP on beta) in about 4 played days.... those last 2 levels seriously (if you know what you are doing) fly by.. So... I'm still sticking w/ my easy goal of 66 by Sunday.
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