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Everything posted by Valdez

  1. Shoopaloop, you are the one who kept me in FP. The /gkick you delivered to me (A real one, I might add) back when my intentions were unsure made me see what I would have been leaving behind if I had left FP. If that were the only thing you had done for me, it would be enough. Yet, you helped mold this guild. It may not have been your vision, but without you I would have never met the fantastic people I share my days with (you being one of them). Your playtime has been wavering as of late, and I haven't been able to talk to you as much as I would have liked to, but I always enjoyed our conversations. I still feel bad about the Lava Dredger, and I probablly always will. If anything, it will serve to me a reminder of what you did for the guild. Again, much thanks to you Shoaven, and I bid you farewell. Good luck with that epic quest known as "Real Life", I know you will succeed at whatever you attempt. PM me if you want my e-mail or something so we can stay in touch. /target Shoopaloop /salute /cry -Jeff(Dez)
  2. Valdez

    ZOMG Valdez

    Gaaahd my memory is terrible. I mean seriously. It's real bad. Of course, I was absolutely flipping out after I won the shoulders last night so I don't claim responsiblility for my poor memory. ZOMGNEWSIG!
  3. Yeah mine did too, but if you pause it for awhile and let it load, it will continue. This is what the world will be like when I finish my Criminal Justice degree.
  4. Valdez

    ZOMG Valdez

    lol I'll change it. In addition to my shoulders I wanna say grats to the other pallies who got hooked up in BWL this week. I can't really think straight anymore but I think Hin got Bracers, Kaelin got Belt, Kaslor got Gloves and I got Shoulders... if this stuff keeps dropping at the rate it is, we'll have pallies at 8/8 in no time. Grats to the pallies and anyone else who got phat l3wts in BWL. ZOMG and also grats to everyone who was there last night. That was by-far the best run I've seen through BWL to date. I mean, uh, besides a certain tank wiping the raid by forgetting his Ony Scale Cloak. I would NEVER do that (Espically not during Ebonroc.)
  5. /cry Am I the only one around here who still <3's Goreslash?
  6. Dude you know I'll be there. If they run away though, I apologize. I'm so damn shiny these days it's like I'm a beacon of light saying "Hey Horde, GTFO".
  7. Bah. I do damage like that with my pally all the time. By damage, I mean the following. /target Shaman /laugh /shield /hearth /gloat /giggle /salute
  8. Mentor (Submissive Extroverted Abstract Thinker) You are a MENTOR (SEAT). Some would call you the most powerful and influential of all people. Those people are wrong. The reality is that you DON'T really WANT to impose personal views or beliefs on others. Yet you are extroverted and intelligent, and you like to get involved. So you help others with the pursuit of knowledge. You're the reason that people say teachers are also students. You are as much a learner as a master, and this satisfies you. You won't die a lonely death, but towards the end you'll grow introspective, wondering if your life meant anything. This will last for decades, and you'll die after your spouse.
  9. Valdez


    lol Dakyne is right below you. I kicked him out of my guild a long time ago. He's a cool guy. Grats Miz!
  10. Valdez


    By "Kill" I meant "Shield + Hearth"
  11. ZOMG!!!!!!!!!1111111111111elevenone
  12. Valdez


    I told her to ask you but she didn't want to pull you away from PvPing! Haha Eni, I told you so! GS you need to come visit us in IF again. I just got done watching Jadelah run around IF owning people, it was great. If you don't I'll come find you in Orgimaar and kill Thrall again. I killed him last time right? Right? /nudge
  13. Seriously dude, I'll give you a list of people to gank. Hop on Vent and I'll give you their locations. =)
  14. The rabbit didn't even see me comming.
  15. lol I was just going to say "Maybe you want to blur the chatbars or something" Other than that, great job. Focus a little more on me next time. /famous
  16. Div! Come back home! By home I mean FP, not those smelly Vindictive people. Tegrin smells IRL AND In-game. Believe me.
  17. Goreslash is my buddy. I will kill anyone who's got a problem with that. Even if it means I have to kill him. I'll do it. Don't tempt me!
  18. You killed me last night. Something about "Well, if you're going to die anyways, I might as well get some honor for it." <3 Goreslash
  19. If you start as a healer, make it a dwarven priest. They are always in high demand. Priests and Druids are the primary healers, with Paladins (like myself) being a support class. If you roll a paladin I'll burn your eyes out. Seriously. With a flaming iron poker. It won't be pretty. Oh. Welcome to our forums =D
  20. ZOMGIWASTHEREPEOPLEWEREDYINGANDIWASLIKEZOMGIHEALYOUYOUDONTDIEONMEZOMGWHOA!!!! Great job everyone! I'm so impressed with how we did last night, if we had a full raid on Chromagg we would have dropped him fo shizzle.
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