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Everything posted by Kopi

  1. I'd worry that this would decrease condom usage among high risk HIV populations. Depends on how expensive it is as to whether there'd be a noticeable effect.
  2. one of my favorite gorillaz songs...props
  3. Kopi

    Quitting wow

    I walk away with no hard feelings and tons of good memories and friends. Overall, I consider it to be a good few years spent.
  4. Kopi

    Quitting wow

    Hey, for those of you know know me in game (my main's name is Heilel btw in case you haven't made the clever connection between my alter egos!) I'm going to be quitting WoW now. It's been a fun past few years, but good RL stuff has come up and I no longer have the time I once did to dedicate to the game. And I'm the kind of guy who has to do things really well or not at all, so I have no interest if I can't play at the world competition level. Anyway, been fun. If you guys want to catch me on aim: scifi419. Get Cthun down already!
  5. Rotate your camera around during the positioning so you can see yourself. That or just memorize the floor layout...lol. Camera angles ftl.
  6. The reason they chose a pally is because he can shield, but yes, if you have the cooperation of a raid...that would work. Now if only we could port people to the horde AH...
  7. Oh, duh...I forgot. BA makes HS instant cast.
  8. Is that a pie I see? Mmmm....pie.
  9. If I had to guess, they summoned him to IF, he zoned in and aggroed vael, got BA, then accepted the summon.
  10. Kopi

    Screwed WoW funeral

    I thought it was pretty funny the first time I saw it. Moral of the story: don't announce this to a server then hold it in contested territory. Honestly...was there any doubt it would happen? People take this game way too seriously sometimes.
  11. The shoes are different
  12. That would suck if they made those instances hard. I'd hate having to find a PUG at that point and might just try to slip an alt through MC instead, lol.
  13. did they change the instance so it couldn't be done easily in 45 minutes? I haven't been to these places in so long, I feel out of touch =/
  14. 1.11 will be a glorious patch! Mages AND Aqual Quintessence. What more could you ask for?
  15. So much potential, thanks for ruining it Gryph
  16. Apparently they didn't get into position, lol.
  17. good thing he didn't do that in my dorm...he might have accidentally found a chair in his path while he was running through the dorms at night screaming...
  18. They changed the colors and the occasional piece (like mage gloves)... 5 minutes of work, lol...
  19. Kopi

    Rules page...

    I'm a cultural relativist. The depleted uranium slug heading toward you at 0.5c? Yeah, that's relativistic...
  20. Kopi

    Rules page...

    So your rules page is essentially a discourse on the extremes of good and evil...
  21. Kopi

    Rules page...

    What language is that, lol? Maybe Latin?
  22. Holy shock crits with divine favor and illumination...wow!
  23. Kopi

    Trinket Nerf

    I appreciate the nerf. As soon as we can get rid of those ridiculous posts of 4k+ hits with AP+ZHC+ToEP+Beserking mages and every class going "omg nerf mages they must be able to do that all the time", the sooner we can get to the root of our class problems... Besides, the idea of an IWIN button with a 3 minute cooldown has never sat well with me.
  24. Gainesville sucks. I have to go almost outside city limites before I can get above speed limit 35 signs. On capus it's 20...and there's a 30 buffer zone for a few blocks around it. Worst part of it all are the cops who ticket people for breaking the most ridiculous speed limits I've ever seen.
  25. Needs more disco ball
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