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Everything posted by Kornith

  1. Kornith


    Thogrum, Narrang and I talked about roleplaying last night, and I felt a little inspired to write out the full backstory of my characters, cuz I'm a massive geek and am going through RP withdrawals over break (I do D&D, Whitewolf- Exalted, New World of Darkness, etc at school). So, here's the backstory for Kornith, Rogthane, Erthieral, and my other toons that I never play. Tell me if the file won't open or something, or if I should just copy+paste to here (didn't want to use up a lot of space). Oh, and share yours if you want! Or maybe I'm just a bigger geek than I originally thought. -Kornith/Rogthane EDIT: Couldn't find the attached file, so just copy+pasted. Sorry! “I’m sorry. Your son is dead.” The Lordaeron Captain said, his head hanging. Rogthane stared, his arm pulling his wife Kojik to his side. Her eyes widened, and she in turn pulled her other son, Pongu, closer. “Well, how did it happen? I thought he was with Prince Arthas.” Rogthane said. His family had run from the village of Strahnbrad when the Blackrock clan had attacked, finding refuge in Stormwind. His son, Kornith, had joined the Lordaeron military, and had been accepted into the infantry. He had left with the regiment under Baron Rivendare, which was part of Prince Arthas’ division. “Prince Arthas went to Stratholme to eradicate the scourge there. While he succeeded, your son’s regiment disappeared. We haven’t been able to find the Baron, but we suspect that he betrayed them. I’m very sorry for your loss, and I hope that your son finds the peace of the Light.” The family lowered their eyes. Rogthane looked up then, his eyes gleaming with tears. “Thank you. Your words help, but… we need some time. Have a… have a good day.” With that, he closed the door. With the war continuing, Rogthane began to search for his lost son. He sent letters to as many people that he could, including the family friend, and the boys’ caretaker Erthieral, a night elf druid. However, by the time the Third War was over, there was no sign of Kornith. Rogthane then made a decision. He would search himself. He began to train as a paladin of the Light, devoted to healing those he could. When he encountered the Argent Dawn, he found refuge there, and a band of like-minded people. He joined, eventually becoming an exalted member of their organization. However, there was a more pressing issue than his missing son. While the undead seemed content with their holdings, the Burning Legion marched on from its’ strongholds in Outland. Leaving the search to his son, who had started the path of a warrior, he left to fight them. His accomplishments there were few, but vital. He was involved in an attack on the Pit Lord Mannoroth, several assaults on the Eye of the Tempest, Kael’Thas’ stronghold, as well as the Serpentshrine Cavern, where he successfully defeated Lady Vashj. He also rid the world of Gruul, a powerful Gronn, and cleaned out Karazhan, the tower of Medhiv the Last Guardian. And then, the Scourge struck. He devoted himself entirely to fighting back their invasion, garnering more support from the Argent Dawn, and learning of two secrets. The first was the return of Tirion Fordring, and the creation of the Argent Crusade. The second was the fate of his eldest son. Kornith’s regiment had indeed been betrayed. Baron Rivendare, secretly a member of the Cult of the Damned, led them into a trap, where they had been ambushed. While his comrades died around him, he fought valiantly. Organizing the survivors, he led them to a cave, which would allow them escape back to Lordaeron. There, he made a final stand before collapsing the cave with explosives from a dwarven tank gunner. As he fought off waves of undead, Rivendare approached him. “You’ve fought well, son. The Lich King could use men like you. Not as a mindless zombie or a ghoul, but a death knight. A leader, a champion. Join the Scourge, and live forever.” Kornith slitted his eyes, and raised his greatsword. “Never.” The Baron laughed, and said “Nobody ever said you had to be willing.” With that, he simply reached out, and a bolt of necrotic energy leapt from his fingers, striking the young hero down. When he awoke, he stood in the presence of Arthas Menethil once more, but not as soldiers of Lordaeron. Rather, Arthas had donned Ner’Zhuls’ armor, and become the Lich King. Kornith had been transformed, as Rivendare had said, into a death knight. The death knights of Acherus assaulted the Scarlet encampments, and rallied to attack Light’s Hope. Kornith sat upon his deathcharger eagerly, ready to destroy them. Little did the death knights know, but Tirion lay in wait. There, Kornith wasa among the first of the death knights, led by Highlord Darion Mograine, to break from the Lich King, and become the Knights of the Ebon Blade. There, Kornith decided two things. First, revenge on Rivendare and the Lich King, using their own powers of frost and death against them, and to locate his family. The reunion occurred in Stormwind. They held a celebration, inviting only their closest friend Erthieral. Kojik, who had become a rogue to better hunt Horde warriors, laid down her weapons, while Pongu found his anger disperse, and settled down as an alchemist. Rogthane and Erthieral agreed to aid Kornith in his crusade, and the three left for Northrend. Rogthane became an Argent Champion, an exalted member of both the Dawn and Crusade. Erthieral found his progress slow, but eye-opening nonetheless. And Kornith received his revenge on Rivendare. The three had joined an adventuring guild known as the Forgotten Prophets. They were an odd bunch, but the ties of loyalty and comradery were strong, and they were well organized. Kornith went with them into Naxxramas, and when they reached the Four Horsemen, Kornith launched his own attack. Alarmed at his ferocity, his companions joined in, and were able to defeat the champion death knights. While the group rested after the fight, Kornith stood over the fallen body of his former commander. When he returned, a single ear hung from a thread on his neck. It was not questioned, but simply accepted. Now, after becoming crusaders in their own right, Kornith and Rogthane aid in the assault on Icecrown Citadel. While he was not able to aid in the original assault, he eagerly awaits the opening of other wings further into the heart of Icecrown, and a chance at Arthas himself. Until then, he searches for a weapon to put himself on par with the Lich King. He’s heard of Quel’Dellar, and of Shadowmourne, and works towards both with equal vigor.
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