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Everything posted by Kornith

  1. Kornith

    Raid Times

    Since I'm doing Finals as we speak (good timing for me to not have a reliable computer) I'm going to be very free- I'll be taking summer course for credit, which means I'll blow through them and have all sorts of time Yay, still being in school! I dun wanna grow up! P.S. What sort of nasty-gram? Now I'm curious
  2. Greed
  3. So, I brought my computer into a Staples tech-support (cuz I HATE geek squad, and Staples is 10 minutes away) and was informed (quickly and efficiently) that I needed my circuit board (or something) replaced- it no longer recognizes the AC adapter. Because of this, I won't be online this week, unless I can steal my girlfriend's computer (which is unlikely). I wish you all the best of luck in raiding and lewts, and I'm sad to not be able to play with you guys. But fear not! For the summer is upon us, and I shall soon have even more reason to play!
  4. Lich King
  5. Octopus's Garden
  6. Cake! I have none, so discount cadburry's will suffice. Happy birthday, FP!
  7. I'll check that more in depth when I have time- lotta of AFK for the next few days. Thanks a bunch guys!
  8. Austin Powers. Yeah Baby, yeah!
  9. X- tried it, and it fixed my lag for a quick second, then I got disconnected, and couldn't get past the loading screen. Gonna try a few more times, see if something changes. KP- CPU type:IntelĀ® Core2 Duo CPU T8100 @ 2.10GHz CPU Speed (GHz):2.121 Graphics card model:NVIDIA GeForce 8400M GS Graphics card driver:nvd3dum.dll RAM: 4.00 GB UPDATE: I got back on, and I'm now sitting at ~2k ms, which is much better than the 7-12k ms that I was at. Still kind of laggy, but much better. I'll have to remember that
  10. So, since 3.3.3 hit, my WoW has been lagging up a storm. It's not addons, it's not background programs, and it's not my overall internet- it's WoW. I've uninstalled and reinstalled, used the repair do-hickey, and even shouted at it a few times. After tonight's disgraceful performance, I'm seeking some suggestions. I'm also going to start bugging GMs, but no garruntees there. Tech-Savvy guildmates, ACTIVATE! Ignore my atrocious spelling
  11. Candy gram
  12. Best part of the census is that I don't have to stand anywhere in particular- it gives me a census of all characters online at the time for the faction I'm playing as. I already have a Horde toon to census the other side, but yeah- I sit and press a button every ten minutes and will EVENTUALLY get everybody
  13. pr0n
  14. It is Skullcrusher, and I did the 1:1 ratio on purpose- I wanted an even, fair, and equally distributed sample. Next step is going to be trying to get a census on EVERY CHARACTER EVAR, which will be long and difficult, but... idk, maybe possible
  15. Face! (I is bored, can you tell?)
  16. Face! (I is bored, can you tell?)
  17. So, after finding the addon WoWCensus+ (and having it LAG MY #@^$ING GAME), I've done the unthinkable, and gone ahead and did statistics for fun. And now, I share them with you! Findings: BE pallies are everywhere. The least played Ally race is gnome, least played horde race is troll. This is a sample of ~4000 characters, so it's not everybody on the server. Enjoy! I'm still geeking out about my data sets! wow_census_3_24.pdf wow_census_3_24.pdf
  18. Well said /argument I think I'm gonna use that in gchat more...
  19. Dunno if any of you read Ctrl+Alt+Del, but this is the one for 2/22 I can't get the pic to actually be copied into the durn thread, so here's a link. I is technologically challenged http://www.cad-comic.com/comics/cad/20100222.jpg
  20. I'd be more than happy to post it here once I've got it hammered out. I'll also try to copy the discussion we have about it- I'm presenting at a round table, so there's going to be a lot of talking about it. I'll also make sure to have footnotes to explain all the soc-jargon Even I get a little lost sometimes.
  21. It is an in-person deal. Big meeting in Chicago, lots of schools, yada yada. That said, if you want to talk shop, feel free to drop me a tell. I've... run out of people to talk to about this irl...
  22. So, I'm gonna post this here, rather than boring ya'll in gchat. I'm also pretty sure I've mentioned this a few times before, and don't want to make you hear it again. I'm currently working on a special project, which is probably going to end up being a thesis at some point (undergrad/grad). It's about social deviancy on the internet, and I'm using WoW as my focus. Specifically, I'm looking at gankers, campers, and trolls as deviants, and how they became the jerks they are today, whether it was internet or life circumstances. I haven't done the IRB yet, so no research, but I will be presenting my project to the MSS on April 1st, 2010 in Chicago, at the annual conference. So, if you're interested and nearby, you can go to http://www.themss.org/index.html. You do need to be registered, though if you wander in I don't think anybody will really care that much. Whee, I actually do academics! -Kornith
  23. Both of you are losing sight of the important enemy. Make no mistake, I hate the Horde as much as you, but the Lich King will destroy us all. Of course, there's no reason we can't beat the Horde to it... *A slow grin, and the pale blue light behind the eyes flashes*
  24. Very nice Glad to see more stuff. Together, we shall bring RPing to all of skullcrusher!
  25. Kornith


    Danke. Forgotten Prophets has been great, so I didn't see any reason not to mention it Can't wait to see if/what other people have to share.
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