But see thats the exact reason the point system exists.
Lets say for example, you are a T6 geared rogue who wants the Dragonspine Trophy and nothing else from Gruul's lair. You go on 5-6 Gruul runs and do not loot anything, awaiting the item to drop. Everyone else in the raid, mostly non-raiders and alts, are constantly looting T4 and other items on these raids.
Finally, the DST drops on the 7th raid which you are in.
With regular RTU, you have to compete for that item against 5-6 other melee based alts and non-raiders who have looted items which are the direct result of you helping them out.
With FKP, they took a point hit for each item of T4 and what not they looted, items which to you are trash. Therefore, since you have looted and gained nothing else from Gruul, you have the most points and are able to loot the item without any resistance (and deservingly so).
You use the example of me looting the Eye of Mag based upon points in the raid, but what you didn't see is that I have been on (and subsequently led) approximately 15-20 Mag, Gruul, and SSC raids where I essentially did not need anything, and looted next to nothing. The point system was put into place to give those who raid with us constantly a chance to secure items against people who are there for the first time. Anyone is open to gain points themselves and loot items via points, they just have to earn it more then everyone else like any other point system.
That being said, I know the FKP system is a bit flawed. It was originally meant to be a way to inhibit a raiding group which would (hopefully) be made up of the same people between FP and vind. However, that never materialized mostly, and it became more of a pain when dealing with pugs who generally never got involved with such.
I will take a poll before the raid tonight and see if people give a shit about it, if not, it isnt that big a deal for me at this point.