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Everything posted by richburr

  1. I'll bring my lock if I have a working internet connection (moving the day before).
  2. richburr

    Diablo 3!!!

    Can't forget the better UI/control scheme. That's been one of the biggest improvements in Blizzards sequels.
  3. richburr

    FP Survivor!

    nooo my passive approach has failed me! Sorry for not showing up in here more, been a crazy week with class and such. But lets just say now I know who won't be getting any more summons...
  4. richburr

    FP Survivor!

    Voting for Letica, solely for "of the Shattered Sun"
  5. richburr

    FP Survivor!

  6. exalted with sso and pay 1000g
  7. richburr


    I remember my old roommate used to do that in 3... then he got to the River of souls. Almost took 45 minutes to get through it!
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