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Everything posted by Arty

  1. I'm ashamed to live in the same country as you Rodarn. What was that all aboot.
  2. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=13...362959167995041
  3. Heath Ledger?
  4. first!
  5. Arty

    Freestyle + Duel

    Jacked from the immo forums http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2t8iyhaTOP0 Rogue freestyles while dueling a pally. I challenge Bentley to a freestyle facemelting duel.
  6. Hey this is kinda fun... http://wow.blupp.net/item.php?id=82440
  7. what language is that?
  8. I got disconnected during the fight and with the queue there, I was back in JUST after ony dropped.
  9. http://deathball.net/notpron/ I'm on level 7
  10. I'm the one in the back playing CS... Heres one of Ghost and Stric when they were younger: http://asianjoke.com/videos/idiot.mpeg
  11. Time to blackmail Stang on the SC forums.
  12. Free and fastpaced. My nick is Arturio on that if you want to add me.
  13. Arty

    Lunar Festival

    YAAAAAAAA!!!! WoW celebrates Chinese New Years!!! That's so hype.
  14. http://rakion.softnyx.net/download/client.asp I'm so hooked on this game now. Maybe we can get the guild to play it during downtimes and maybe get some BG practice outta it.
  15. Arty

    Props to arty

    Legendary has agreed to heal us if we heal Legendary =D
  16. Arty

    Props to arty

    WBC and SS are dominating my game >=[ We need some love. Lets gang up on WBC and hopefully BB will heal us. Hurt WBC Heal BB
  17. I turned 20 in sept!
  18. Maybe a nice polo with the name and logo in one of the corners might be nice. Disguise it to be a nice brand name and I could tszuj it up into my outfits.
  19. Arty

    Props to arty

    I like to make the monster threads....lets pick a guild and zerg them to death.
  20. Gosh i wanna come down there and play some SC3
  21. penis
  22. Arty

    Are you addicted?

  23. Arty


    Broken link. Fix plz
  24. beer
  25. bentley
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