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Everything posted by Arty

  1. Great... another walking kick me sign in PvP. As if Benediction wasn't enough. "GUYS WTF!!! KILL THE ONE WITH THE HALO FIRST!!!"
  2. You're still gonna PvP right? Can't let those weapons go to waste on computer controlled dragons...
  3. I'll come
  4. Arty

    Hey all!!

    YOU'VE BEEN DI'D PUNK!!! ...and no I didn't.
  5. Arty

    Hey all!!

    You'll see...
  6. Arty


    PST Ayumi
  7. Arty

    Hey all!!

    You post too much... you're gonna get a DI the next time I see you.
  8. Ooooooooh, stang can we give him our vent so he can come hang out with us like Gslash?
  9. He beat me up at the stables =(
  11. I'll meet you at the farm.
  12. So does this mean I'm gonna see Hinanin in some AB's?
  13. Arty

    2 questions

    I stand by my answers. I never liked Bethoven anyway and without Hitler, The 3 Stooges wouldn't have had as much material.
  14. Arty

    2 questions

    Yes and C
  15. WHY SHOOP WHY!!!!!!!!! I remembered those days back when Shoop was still a youngin trying to quest in stonetalon mountain and I came to your rescue. Man we have too many memories together, you can't go! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Arty


    How bout we bubble you again George?
  17. Crap, Naxxramas is cold based? All this time I thought it was shadow. Time to stock up on those cold protection recipes.
  18. This guy really needs a punch in the face.
  19. I don't know if you've killed me, but I killed you multiple times. I even called it when I'm coming for you too... nubcake.
  20. Arty

    For you Ony nubs

  21. Arty

    Rules page...

    Holy crap I never noticed that.
  22. Arty


  23. Why does the white guy keep beating up on the azns?
  24. I knew there was something off about him.
  25. this too http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=29...508997989707181
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