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Everything posted by Arty

  1. Arty

    Hey guys =)

    Just gank your bf IRL to pass the time.
  2. Dayum man. I knew you could do it. Grats.
  3. Everytime I log in here, Shuginenja's name just instantly pops out. Like EVERYTIME! Before, that name used to be Bentley but it seems that hes being shown up. There can only be ONE FP forum troll... Fill in the blanks. I think that_________ is the better forum troll because _____________________ and that is why sugar_______________________ as long as Arty does__________. However, that does not mean that Gryph______________________ when Stangmeister_____________________________ with Gynis. In closing I would like to say ________ smells like __________ while travelling through_________. Best spam wins! Lets get ready to rumble!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. http://youtube.com/watch?v=3dJ_rBUhJHk&sea...ilet%20training OOM PA PA
  5. Arty

    New Boss

    http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.a...r&T=1135485&P=1 I believe that if you use CUM on her, all her resistances are ignored and she becomes powerless for a little while. Every class needs to know their role when using CUM. Hunters: Make sure that your aimed shots don't miss. Pallies: Don't forget you guys are healers. Show some love. Warriors: I sure hope you guys have a lot of stamina packed so you can last against her. You other classes: Guess you're all useless, you can't wield the CUM in your hands.
  6. I'm ashamed to be in the same guild as you Valdez.
  7. Arty

    MUSE Invite!!

    What time? I might be able to go after work.
  8. If you're not a winner then you're a loser.
  9. Arty

    Worst Boss Ever

    That's illegal in Canada isn't it? I think he's at least supposed to give you a reasonable amount of notice or something before firing you.
  10. Arty

    Forum Sigs!

    =( I want a cool sig... refer to my old sig... http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a56/dkhuynhphan/sig.jpg
  11. I'm Gryph and I think that Arty is one of the best players out there. As a new rule, everyone in the guild must send Arty 1 gold every week or else you will be /gkicked. That is all.
  12. I think it said you HAD the biggest @$$. Learn2treadmill. More cushion for the pushin'
  13. Remember... if you're not a winner... then you're a loser.
  14. Othello was a damn good board game.
  15. The song playing in the background is "Girl from Ipanema"
  16. Arty

    Important Poll!

    Gummy worms in milk. That stuff is the shizzzznit
  17. Arty

    Bad Joke Corner

    I was about to do that one.
  18. Arty

    Important Poll!

    yea, they have it stateside too. ... and it sucks.
  19. Arty


    and how old is your sister, and is she hot
  20. You can't comb your hair when you're drunk. DOI!
  21. Arty

    Ladder Theory

    Valdez, I want to bear your children. While on this topic, Vanin posted an editorial about some black dude teaching English in Japan way back when. I got to reading some of his other articles... http://www.outpostnine.com/editorials/clubbing.html http://www.outpostnine.com/editorials/attraction.html http://www.outpostnine.com/editorials/mating3.html http://www.outpostnine.com/editorials/mating4.html http://www.outpostnine.com/editorials/niceguy.html http://www.outpostnine.com/editorials/reformation.html http://www.outpostnine.com/editorials/multi.html Really all his stuff is good. The above is more like Ladder Theory Supplimentary.
  22. Arty

    Attn Ayumi

    =( I thought you were only playing her for the weekend. I understand that you're frustrated that you cant help out your girlfriend with pvp leveling. Love can do horrible things to you but don't let it ruin your friendship with with us, we still love you. You should just stop being shy and ask her out to get it overwith. We're all behind you. Tell her Ayumi says hi! =)
  23. To the OP Dear Fruit of the stupid tree, You are being flamed because you just plain suck. As punishment you must play a Paladin to level 60. In closing I would like to say never post again. GTFOKTHXBAI
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