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Everything posted by Adramelach

  1. So I'm sure there's been a topic about this before, but I missed it sooo... Bottom left = main spells/auras Middle = "oh shit" buttons/misc casts Right = blessings/profs/mounts http://img34.picoodle.com/img/img34/4/2/22/f_newuim_fc4deb7.jpg I make my own so if it looks odd... don't make fun please!
  2. Rocket Boots FTW!
  3. Yesterday I put together a ZA group that was BARELY off from getting the 3rd timed chest. We decided to go Eagle-->Bear-->Lynx (mainly because Dragonhawk is annoying as hell). We were about 2 or 3 minutes off.
  4. Warriors can tank?
  5. The guild Vis Major has every one of their major raiders a bear mount
  6. So obviously the secret to killing Kael is to bring an excess of Paladins...
  7. Faster cast time = scales less with spell damage DL no good
  8. So with my incredible knowledge about the inner workings of computer (about nothing) I spent the day opening up my comp looking for obvious issues..... and well problem solved, I still don't know what the hell was wrong though
  9. You mayhave noticed last night I wasn't online for the raid... yesterday morning I woke up and my brotherinformed me that the computer was.. dead. And, since my mom despises the computer, I honestly doubt she'll buy a new one anytime soon. I'll keep trying to fix the problem but I'm really not a computer tech person, so I may not be on for a while. Later, Dylan
  10. Anyone know if Roy is gonna be in SSB Brawl when it comes out in oh say.. 17 years? /too lazy to check myself
  11. You spelled my name wrong in the credits... ... ... ... Loser.
  12. DAMNIT I died, excellent video though Shad
  13. 74% on expert... on practice
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