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Everything posted by Adramelach
I like Drunkn's thinking, my vote to Atrus.
I vote Beck so I have no competition for my ret gear.
The GM I talked to won't give me my heart back that Andrie stole, so I'm going to have to vote along with her. Bye Swaloads
+6 to not getting bitched at by the site!
Register quickly and force an armory update Erlin you scored 212.62, upgrades found mid ssc/tk, suitable for mid bt/mh. Things to help: Sublety over Spell Pen on cloak One low level item, your Mark of Defiance Low spell hit, 5 more rating or put another point in Shadow Focus 5 points is a waste in Shadoweaving, you only really need 3-4 to keep stacks up Suitable for PvE > PvP > Grinding
SO I've seen this site floating around a few times and went to check it out. Seems pretty cool, it basically rates your gems/enchants/spec/gear and somehow weighs it and gives you a score. Based off of the score it shows two bars; a red bar that shows where you can find most of your upgrades, and a blue bar that shows where you would perform well in with your current level of gear. It also gives some helpful tips when dealing with caps (hit, defense, crushing, etc). http://be.imba.hu/ I scored 247.40 in my Prot gear, upgrades found in end BT, and I could perform well in mid-end Sunwell with my current level of gear. 220 for Ret
I vote Andrie because she ninja'd my heart
After reading Gryph's story, I'm going to cast my vote towards Er... Wait, what am I thinking? I vote Shorty, sorry bud.
Lololol... in my Ret gear I would perform well in end BT/Hyjal begin Sunwell xD
My sig doesn't show up cause I'm too lazy to go back on the site... decided it showed what type of person I am so I left it
Looks like a 12 year old made that Tica :/ And no, not Drew
Well there's maintenance and whatnot today so I found myself bored and browsing some WoW videos (cause I'm a cool guy) and re-found this I Am Murloc video from a loooong time ago. Can't find a direct link to the video so... step 1: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/downloads/movies.html step 2: scroll down about 1/4 of the way to "I Am Murloc" step 3: stream or download and enjoy! EDIT: Or just click the arrow for the drop window called "jump to" ><
And/or more rogue tanks
New word: Necro
The cake is a lie, pie ftw
AT 70 all players automatically get the flight point, and there's a little event that when you start flying, you'll rocket up and be in the ghostlands, cutting your trip down quite a bit
I'm buying 5 vortices for a non raiding buddy, then doing Magister's Terrace once (quest to get keyed for heroic) and possibly try heroic mode.
And that thought honestly scares me
So last night I finally settled the dispute about Badges of Justice. For a while now, I've heard a few people on both sides saying you can or cannot get more than 200 of them. Well, here you go http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/1899/badgeszp4.th.jpg
So I found this video basically making fun of every class and what they all want. I especially like the Druid part towards the end http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riHdSlYiy-E&feature=user