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Everything posted by Adramelach

  1. Thyme
  2. Adramelach


    We will forgive if you start playing again, non-negotiable
  3. I work 9 30-5 most days so as long as we start after I'm good, whatever day works best will be fine I'll just plan other things on offnights. Oh yea friday evenings sometimes dont work out. PS can I get a nasty-gram anyways? Sounds hot
  4. Happy 5 years! But really let's face it, it didn't really start until I joined.... I'll play along though
  5. Lmao and that is an epic picture
  6. High Latency beats raid... GET IT LOLLL
  7. Thank you I will check those out tmrw since I'm heading soon. On a side note it looks like myrevenge has exactly what I need wtb what that is
  8. I've actually been trying to construct a suitable UI now that I'm back in the game and I could use a little help finding some. I need a few so I'll just list what I'm looking for and if ppl could suggest some that would be awesome. Looking for: 1) One that will do a more thorough job of filtering buffs than the blizz standard, I would only like to see my procs up on the buff bar 2) One I had in tbc, I cannot for the life of me remember the name. But what it did was put a black bar beneath all my stuff on the bottom of the screen, similar to Saffis but much simpler, just a black rectangle pretty much. It helps make things look cleaner in my opinion and would like to get it again. 3) Lastly is one that will help me with my rotation, that can make some kind of announcement when I get a proc. I was thinking something that can put up an icon or something, because I find sometimes I lose track of whether or not I've had a proc. I tried out one suggested to me called scorchio, but for some reason my missile barrage proc does not register or something (even though I did set it to in the options).
  9. Adramelach


    So yea a few friends and myself are picking up dungeons and dragons. I have never played it before but one friend had a couple of the books so we're doing v3.5. I, of course, am playing a Paladin (named Adramelach McLovin') and we've played out a couple of campaigns to test it out. I was just wondering if people had any tips and such, or sites with premade campaigns and that type of thing. Oh and hello
  10. Haha I actually just donated blood at my school today. Yay free period
  11. Andrie I know your favorite moment... It was in BT, we had just gotten close to killing Souls or Teron I think, and Andrie just types "That makes me want to throw a tortoise" or along those lines. I've never laughed so hard, it was just so random
  12. http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h76/silverboi_2006/drunk-guy-funnycopy.jpg
  13. First off, nice use of finagle Second, I was playing around in northrend last friday (10 day trial) and I have a quick question about Pally tanking now. Are slower weapons better now because of the new shield of the righteous talent or w.e (instant cast, close-range avenger's shield). It's based on weapon damage and seems like an important part of the rotation now (just guessing I've been out for a while).
  14. Is 17 legal in Georgia? And thanks guys, first happy bday all day
  15. KFC
  16. Yea I'm gonna be going for Game Development (go figure) so pretty much a programming major. And the way this school is set up, they line up your classes for you so while you can't actually pick your other courses, all of the ones they picked are related to your major i.e. mythology for history, behavioral science etc. I was a little skeptical at first, but they sent me this catalogue that showed which classes you'll be taking and when, which I guess saves me a lot of trouble.
  17. "Congratulations on your enrollment at Full Sail University! You are accepted to start on the date for which you applied, and you will receive an official acceptance letter after you have completed your Admissions file." Thanks for the help, I did lots of editing >.>
  18. So I'm going to be putting my application into college fairly soon, and I was wondering if you all wouldn't mind looking over my answers and giving some feedback/editing them. Any info would be great Q: What aspects of your prior educational experience (high school or college) did you appreciate most? Where did they fall short? A: 1. My high school experience is one of mixed feelings. While I appreciate that one, it’s free and two, it provided a baseline for my core subjects, it fell short on so many levels. With six periods a day classes were often rushed and cut short, not picking up where the previous day had left off due to poor planning. While high school offered the basics, classes that I’m really interested in i.e. programming and digital audio recording were onl introduced this year, my last one here. Lastly, my class of 2009 was decided to be the test group for the Digital Portfolio, a program meant to show proficiency in several topics like problem solving, reading, writing, etc. There were just too many bugs and gray areas for it to be really effective. All in all, I’m disappointed. Q: What characteristics make for a good entertainment industry employee? A good student? A: 2. To be a good entertainment industry employee, a person must understand a few key aspects. They need to be able to work in groups whether it’s with a small programming team, or with the team creating a game as a whole. They need to be able to follow directions well, while having some creativity by sharing thoughts or ideas with the team. Most importantly, an entertainment industry employee needs to understand normal people, to be able to create a game that an audience is attracted to and a game that won’t confuse the average player. A good student needs to be flexible; to be able to work on a project independently, or on a larger project as a group. They need to have a capacity for learning, and the will to learn and work hard to better their understanding of a subject. Q: Each of us has a left and right brain that fuels our logic and creativity. Thinking of your creative side, what areas come naturally for you? A: 3. While lacking in the art department when it comes to creativity, I’ve always been able to write and think creatively. I’m able to write off the top of my head, rarely suffering from writer’s bloc. I can also think of several ways to solve a problem, and enjoy doing so. In the programming class I’m currently taking, we’re able to work in pairs t figure out programs and writing them. My partner and I often work independently and compare when we’re finished. More than once, we’ve argued about who’s program is right when in the end, both programs will give the same answer. That side of creativity comes naturally for me, and is enjoyable. Q: There may have been a specific event or moment in time that inspired you to pursue a career in the entertainment industry. Please tell us about that, or any occasion that triggered your desire to work in this industry. A: 4. I’ve always been interested in games, but to pinpoint a specific time would have been around August of this year. My friend, Tyler, told me about a program he got from his uncle that let you write in C++. We went to Dunkin Donuts (where we usually hang out) and just played with the language. At the time, we had absolutely no clue about what to do, and all we had to help was a C++ for dummies book that assumed the reader knew the basics… we didn’t. After about two hours of frustration we managed to play with a program that made a window pop up and say “Hello World”, and made the program skip a line and type “Goodbye World” then close. After that day, I began searching for a school that taught game programming; I had actually had fun cluelessly making and altering a program that did something so simple. Q: Imagine your professional life five years from now. What would be your ideal job title and description? What would you do in a typical day? A: 5. In five years, about three years after graduating from Full Sail (hint hint) I could see myself working with a programming team. I’m not expecting to be head programmer, but I would defiantly be past the newbie intern stage, actually working and not getting coffee for people. My ideal job would be working with Blizzard or Square Enix; I’ve always been a fan of Final Fantasy, and I love all Blizzard games (WoW, Diablo, Warcraft). My typical day would probably be a briefing in the morning of what’s done and what needs to be done, followed by a day of working on my part of a larger project. At the end of the day would probably be a debriefing of who still needs to do what and how to improve. Q: Tell us about your expectations for school and what you hope to achieve by attending Full Sail University A: 6. My expectations for what I hope to achieve at Full Sail are relatively simple. I, of course, would like my Bachelor’s Science in Game Development. Along with the degree, I’d like a deep knowledge of that specific field and a clear idea of what to expect in the real world. If the school could also help me find a starter job out of college, that would be much appreciated. My expectations are simply a college education, just pinpointed on that specific field of Game Development.
  19. Dead Space is pretty sweet, you should check it out
  20. http://www.extrememortman.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/12/Ned%20Flanders%20Simpsons.gif
  21. http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x183/DyersEve0/NIGGAWATTS.jpg
  22. June 25, 2007 9:12:13 PM September 22, 2008 8:08:40 PM Lol Runescape, and lol at all the people who missed me a couple weeks ago xD
  23. Chicken
  24. Adramelach

    FP Survivor!

    I guess you guys voting for me don't like badges of justice.
  25. Adramelach

    FP Survivor!

    Just got back last night to find out people only notice me while I'm gone! /vote Ryee for starting it
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