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Everything posted by readyakira

  1. LOL, try being a pally healing a strat run! hehe Good times.... Good times.... Come to think of it stric was in on that one too
  2. Couldn't agree more with the rule/s. And yes in theory a member could have FULL FPP going into member status. Being only 100 extra points and having seen people lose rolls with /roll 1-200 I don't forsee that as being any big deal either. It should also help with making sure people don't just use FP for a stepping stone. Although even with those rules people could still gain loot much faster then alot of the "other" guilds God, I love FP so much, I could never imagine "using" FP
  3. OMG!!! I'm gonna have to drink again!
  4. Lol, Please just don't tell me I have to troll those forums too.... not much time left to play the game.....
  5. I wonder how much they spent to fix something most of us will never use for another year....
  6. I have been sorta working on this one, but since joining FP I hate to do anything outside of with the guild. The fire enchants seems like it would be good to have.
  7. Is this the pally mount? If so, if I ever get the 300 gold I need yet to do the rest of my quest, I will be asking you for tips on what I have to do next. I know with the warlock quest for the epic mount I spent about 200g more then I needed to but, I have made that money back doing the ritual for other people. Good thing cuz it is the only way I seem to be able to make any money.
  8. I think it is just lagged because of all the people home today trying to get characters moved over due to the new instance being available. If it is a biz hour thing it will give you a message saying that you have to do it during biz hours. At least that is what it told me last night.
  9. readyakira

    Xbox 360!!!

    I just can't see spending the money on it I'd rather put that money in to the computer
  10. I agree it was a disapointment that we didn't have enough people. I even cut my work at my dad's short to make it fashonably late to MC to find we cancelled it. I would have been more then happy farming trash mobs because as everyone knows I want us to have the gear, and I would like to see it soon so we can down rag AND vael. I also agree that raid makeup needs to be adjusted for the rag fight. I have talked to a few that have taken rag down and they seem to take alot or FR geared rogues to that battle. I would even be willing to step out of the raid if nessecary to see the guild get another class in there to increase possibilities of taking him down. Of course I wouldn't want to step out each time. From what I have been able to research FR gear seems to be most important for the melee classes. High DPS is a must because 2 spawns of the children almost ensure a wipe. Even at though I am not sure we are completely ready for Rag yet(although very very close) I would still be willing to come farm trash mobs if only to help the progression of the guild. As for BRD everyone knows it is my favorite instance (DIO FTW!!!) and I am willing to help run it whenever I am not already obligated to helping someone else out. Whether or not we are ready for these battles is regardless. We had a problem with people signed up showing up and that is depressing. FP is strong enough to easily overcome this and I would be willing to bet there was more RL issues then not wanting to go.
  11. LOL watched CSI last night and they had people from a college robbing a bank and murdering people for points...... was re-inacting a video game.... coincidental?
  12. readyakira


    Lol, the hook wasn't even close to that big. it was about the size of a 50cent piece I would guess....
  13. readyakira


    The grouper are like that too... if you don't pull them up right away they dive for the rocks and will sit forever under that rock and you will end up cutting your line!
  14. readyakira


    lol of a team that should be good but is doing crappy this year
  15. readyakira


    K, gonna try this then edit it as I go.... This is a pic of me with the largest grouper caught that day. http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d50/readyakira/DSC_3608opt.jpg This is a pic of a huge mangrove snapper I caught. http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d50/readyakira/DSC_3602opt.jpg This is a pic of the whole crew that went out that day. The Guy second from the left is my boss/partner at work. http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d50/readyakira/DSC_3619.jpg This is my fish next to our friends, just to compare the sizes http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d50/readyakira/DSC_3614.jpg
  16. readyakira


    finally got my pictures from the fishing expedition... now I need to figure out where to host em.....
  17. honored is easy to attain... and if anyone needs dark Iron residue PLEASE send me a mail...... I have well over 3000 now on one of my alts!!!!
  18. I would be willing to be the scanner only scans for blizzard related trojans and cheat programs.... Which I would assume is not a stolen program
  19. Here's my 2 cents. IF you want to be really happy for some time plan on spending more then your initial plans. As stated Quality memory is very very important. Buy the best you can afford. Memory is graded by the quality and make sure it is quality. Some mobo's will choke on cheap memory (from experience). I would say 1gb at least for memory. I'd reccomend 2gb as well. If you can afford it get 2 1gb sticks cuz the board you chose will probably support Dual channel which accesses the memory much faster.... well, more at one time. Hard drives I agree if what you have is working for now stick with it. Unless you plan on doing alot of downloading the speed of the drive is not the biggest problem... yet...... I have a friend that is going to 15k scsi drives cuz his internet pipe is faster then his hard drives. Video Card: I use a ATI raedon 6800xt and it is ok. Although I don't have as much luck with the ati as I did nvidia. Rodarn will tell you he gets the VPU crash bug sometimes just like I do. I believe it to be related to my mobo using a nvidia chipset. (read some posts about this buggin it) Processor I'd say do the AMD. You need the capability the AMD has for games, and only want it for multitasking For the $ amd is cheaper and better overall in my opinion. Although intel is better for Biz apps, AMD is definatly better for games, as well as AMD usually have good overclocking abilities. Mobo, look for a board with a zillion BIOS options. By this I mean being able to fine tune you pci, memory etc settings. My mobo although old lets me fine tune every aspect of timing and frequencies for the memory, agp and pci slots ..... One last thing. Don't but the newest on the market, nor go for something old. Try to find a happy medium. Time has told that the newest is going to be buggy and you will be constantly upgrading software/firmware. Old will just put you in a position to need to upgrade in the near future. Take your time deciding. When you think you have chosen everything you want, do some reseach on the manufacturer websites to see if anyone has posted problems with compatibility using Xcard with xboard and so forth. Power supply's are usually overlooked when building a system. Here you want a powerfull supply but one of the biggest things to look for is how true the voltage remains. Some power supplies would shock you on how much the voltage may vary. While this doesn't seem like a big deal, electronics are built to run at a certain voltage. When the voltage changes it can put un-needed wear on a component in the computer. And with the high frequencies that computers are using now, that can be a big difference in dependability/longivity. My power supply currently is a 480w True Power Supply. Antec makes there true power supplys have a tolerance of +-3% which is well under the +-5% Intel reccomends. By now you are probably getting a head swell from all the info we have posted. But, one last thing. If you are going to spend the money to make a nice bad ass toy, DO NOT forget to consider getting a UPS to keep it safe. I reccomend getting one strong enough to power your computer modem/routers. Although it's nice to have one strong enough to support your monitor as well, if I remember correctly most power supplies don't reccomend plugging monitors or printers into them.
  20. That is killer!!!!! Very well done!
  21. "Va, took all my life away" LoL so coincidental to hear after last night
  22. I know a guy where I work that signed up for that hometown stuff... he said he saw some pretty nasty stuff..... worst part is he said he had seen some of the people go thru his store!
  23. www.microsoft.com It's huge and it's a big joke!
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