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Everything posted by readyakira

  1. woot! more peeps to drink margaritas! We drank alot of them last night:P It's feeling too early in the morning to get up although me and lady had to get up and break in the hotel room early
  2. An all I got was some margaritas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I remember the days of FP and aeternum going together to kill ony. I always looked for the night elf in devout to /emote with. Now here you stand in those shiny trancendance looking even taller and prouder! Gratz my freind to a much deserved accomplishment! Now get your butt to FLA!!!!
  3. Ok, you are assigned to helping me grind AD rep whenever I am on until I reach exhalted!!! LOL j/k Welcome my fellow warlock!
  4. oooh oooh me next!!!! GRATZ!!!!!! I know it is hard work as I have been up in wpl forever it seems working on it
  5. If you havent gotten that mount yet don't buy the lodestone and imp jar and um... some other item... I have the mats to start the ritual and can save you some cash
  6. LOL Ararius..... hey you bugger... stop in on our vent more often and say hello!~
  7. Congratulations are in order! Your very very hard work as finally paid off for you. It just show what FP can do when we put our minds to it!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. yeah... read the books.... Stric is comepletly right in what had happened to illidan. the wc series only tells a small part of what was happening during that timeline. The books cover a much broader area of time.
  9. you got that right! with $600.00 I could buy a bunch of kewl stuff for my PC
  10. Me an lady need invites!!!
  11. we're overfull bud....
  12. bumpity bump!
  13. Today can't be fp's birthday! I wasn't in FP yet J/K Gratz FP! You are ALL Awsome!!!!!!!!
  14. I never seem to be able to figure out when people are going to go after these world bosses.....
  15. Um... I wasnt there but sorry.... someone had to take my place at falling asleep while in a raid!
  16. Yeah I would bet it was blizzard not your isp.... they have been nasty serverwise the past month.... maybe another server xfer coming up...
  17. Old news hehe but it is still a good watch!
  18. http://www.mp3.com/albums/20060543/summary.html
  19. Crazy Frog!!!!
  20. Warlock is a pretty good solo class.... If you did lock the gnome lock gets a bit of casting bonus..... A must to go with a lock thru early stages is cooking. Yes cooking. With life tap (convert your life to mana) and cooking you can make food to regain that health therefore reducing the need to "buy" food from vendors. Locks get mounts free at 40 and at a reduced cost via quests at 60. There is always a lock in any serious run because they supply soulstones which allow a self rez for a preist,pally if the whole group dies. Warlocks also have healthstones which the tanks will go thru like candy if you offer them a few times. The ability to summon people to the group is also a nice addition.
  21. Of course.... and if they fly into st. pete I'd be willing to pick up a few stragglers Not much room for luggage in the trunk thou.... I'd hate to have to leave the music at home
  22. Really good chance I can make this one!!!! It's close enough.... I just need to get the time off
  23. nice... I'll take 5
  24. OMFG ROFLMAO how did you find that video? I thought lady hid that in the dresser drawer!
  25. lol
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