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Everything posted by rounder

  1. There a pic of what i see and a pic of my desk. Oh and i noticed that other ppl have the G15, what are you all using for the LCD ??? just the default progs or anything custom? I use Sirreal, vent, and WoW. Rounder.
  2. Lemontree you know i've got the same router as you . I'll post a pic of my desk when i get home. Rounder
  3. the sheer size and numbers of the officers should have allowed them to controll him long enough to take him to the ground and cuff him then remove him without the use of a taser. Should they lose their jobs for this? Depending on how well the training program is at the office then maybe. The large black officer was more than twice the kids size and should have been able to controll him on his own. There was no need for a taser.
  4. I don't think i'll be eating an american burito anytime soon. But i can see the US pulling all their call centers out of Canada now, i know where i live there are a tone of them. It will already hurt a hurting Ontario. Thank god the west is doing good or Canada would be in the same boat as the US. As for the kid, he was out of line no doubt about that but see the size of the police compared to him and they couldn't controll him well enough to take him out cuff him. It was a lack of skill on behalf of the police dept and although to the officers it may not seem it because they obviously don't know what their doing, it was excessive force too. His first question was a very valid one though, i thought it was good. Rounder.
  5. rounder


    I'm at work almost clicked then red the URL..... lol thnx for the confirmation i'll check it out when i get home. Rounder.
  6. You are right shipping costs are lower because of our close(and convienante) proximity to the US. However with the greenback, loonie exchange now costing the US money and an economy thats extremely weak at the moment how much of our product can they affford to buy/trade with us. Also with the way the US has been governing it self in the past 8 years i think it my be wise for Canada to somewhat distance it self and start to build more trade related relations with other countries. Off topic, anybody see the college student get tasered at the john kerry rally yesterday? Thing that bugged me the most was nobody did anything to help him.
  7. now would be a good time for Canada to start trading with overseas nations instead of focusing solely on the US. I don't see the American dollar rising again in the near future so we're all just gonna have to make due with whats happened. I think it's a good oppertuinity fo Canada to be honest. Rounder.
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