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Everything posted by rounder
If you guys do get it let me know how it runs on your systems, i've been watching it for a while now it looks good but i think i'd miss the PVE too much. I still might give it a whirl if it's got some good game play though. If it runs ok post your computer specs so i've got an idea of what you've got. Mine are.... C2D E6600@ 2.4 4gb DDR2 800mhz RAM ATI HD2900XT Vista 64bit SP1
http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=zl...oader&meta= go there and it shall answer all your questions.
think of the ass you'd get before you left though!
the healing one has me excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll beable to break 1900 +heal with that little beast!
errrr i read the full post after i posetd! i fail @ life
this is the first i've heard of this. Tell us how to get the douh to ya gynis. Rounder. /gets his penny filled pillowcase and coin wrappers
the RIAA can't because it only supports the music labels however there are a host of copy cat companys out there that support game companies, software companies and movies. I've heard from them all, luckly rogers won't release any personal info to them due to the privacy act. Otherwise i'd be living in a box because some rich guy(s) took all my money so he could invest it overseas in other countries... go china?
Valdez look at it this way they just busted you for that stuff, what are the odds they will do it again in such a short period of time... lol. All i've gotta say is i'm glad i live in Canada where the big rich corporations don't bully the people(too much). PS hear about walmart sueing that disabled lady for like $470,000 go go corporate greed! Rounder. PSS haha fifi if you disable the realtime option on symantic it's actually quite nice.
My old work used to use AVG and it worked well. Saddly there alot of the employees did download midget furry porn so i think it's pritty decent. Rounder or you can download symantic from bittorrent for free isohunt.com, piratebay.org, mininova.org give those a look.
Come to think of it i don't even know where you can buy a gun in Canada.... lol i'm not interested in getting one but i don't think i've ever even seen a gun shop. One of my old friends used to have an AR15 i think it was. It was like a mini M16 only semi automatic. Plz correct me if i've got the wrong gun in mind.
fewf so it's not my gfx card sucking.... scared me Edit: i was running vista 64 bit a while back and with wow open i was using almost 2gb of memory with slightly lower frame rates. I run two screens and did like how i could alt tab and my programs wouldn't go choppy in vista. Just for that reason i am thinking about going back to vista when i my ram finally gets here.
Just wondering what guns you all own, what kind they are and what country you live in? Myself no guns and i'm a Canuck.
as am i. Does anybody know if there is a FPS cap in the game? i never seem to pull more than 60-61 no matter what.
It spins left then right then left the right never turning more than 180 degrese. mai brainz seas it dat way b cauz mai mumz sis me da smrt Rounder
but can it keep bentley out?
mmmmmmmmmmmm turkey, i just wish we had some more football on today! Rounder
Personally i like what Ron Paul has said thus far and his campaign is coming along quite nicely considering he's not considered a main event Republican. Sadly i'm no expert and get the majority of my info from The daily show and Colbert Report. It's not the main stream media but isn't that a good thing lately? Unfortunately i am a Canadian and will have to sit back and watch your elections from afar in the cold cold north in my igloo and watch it all unfold. I hope 5 million votes from swing states don't' go missing this time around though. Rounder.
i be da bomb..... is joo da bomb?
SHHHHHHHHH your going to blow it for me, i was gonna get rich off of this! but seriously, it looks pritty official, somebody must have put alot of time and effort into that. I thought M$ and firefox fixed the fake URL thing like a year ago, i remember messing arround with it while i was in college. You used to beable to make it show a URL of whatever you wanted ie www.worldofwarcraft.com/wotlk but it would really be comming from joe blows site. My gf's brother had his account stolen twice and it's a pain to get it back!!!!!!! espically the second time he had to fax ID to blizz with a lawyer signature saying he is the person on all his ID. Took over 3 months the second time before they gave it back to him. Rounder.
omg i want a dinosaur!
I love those function keys, i've got them bound to my forums. They have on the fly binds so you can set them up while in a raid if you need too. It's so handy. oh and gynis, i'm a russian nub
the G15 V2 looks to be more for home/office use. Still looks cool though.