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Everything posted by ilDuce

  1. JOEY!
  2. Told you guys you'd blow through most of BT/Hyjal! I was right, as always. /tar Ryee /wave =D
  3. I agree, on all fronts. Spending the $90 now, if you can spare it, will indeed save you a bundle down the road, should you choose to replace it later. However, if you can not, that card will certainly get you by in WoW. As for Vista, I installed it on my laptop that I build a few months back, and haven't had any issues with it. In fact, there are a few features of it that I'm enjoying. I really don't see a performance difference between it and XP Pro. Although, I am running Vista Home BASIC, because I read a while back that the Ultimate edition has a lot of "Frilly" crap included that is either A. Pointless, or B. A memory hog.
  4. That's not a bad setup, given the price. However, it would be very much worth your money to upgrade the video card. When doing so, pay less attention to the actual amount of memorty built into the card, and more on the speed of said memory. For example, 512MB of DDR is definitely not better than 128MB of DDR3. Alot of sales people will push the higher numbers on you, as if you're getting more bang for your buck, when in fact, you're not. Same holds true for your system memory. The 667Mhz RAM is a bit out dated at this point. There are definitely faster options, and like Vanin said, it would probably be wise to get the best that you can afford at this point, to avoid needing upgrades in the near future.
  5. The FP Group that I ran with a couple weeks ago did an excellent job. Despite the fact that the group makeup was less than "perfect". You guys definitely have the ability to accomplish this. Here is my take on the strategy: Make up: 2 Healers - I prefer Shaman/Priest. 2 Tanks - Feral Druid / Prot Pally (On DPS race fights, the druid can DPS while still specced to tank. And on hard hitting (healing intensive) bosses, the druid can tank while the pally wears healing gear and helps out.) 1 Warlock 1 Mage 1 Shadowpriest 1 Hunter 1 Melee 1 Optional (This should depend on your group. If your AOE is week, bring another AOE Caster, if not bring another melee who can shell otu some serious DPS. Normally, I would choose a warlock) Boss Order: Eagle - Bear - Dragon Hawk - Lynx. Notes: It's possible for some guilds with weaker healers, that they may choose to take a 3rd healer. I don't think this should be the case for you guys, as the healing in the raid I attended was simply top-notch, even at 3am. The biggest key to completing the timed event, I think, is not looting the chests. They don't despawn, so come back for them later. Don't bother wasting the 2+ minutes it will take you to listen to the NPC talk, and finally open the chest. Kill the boss, loot him, and click the need/greed/pass button the "grouploot box" as you run to the next pull. A lot of valuable time can be made up by donig so. It's an absolute requirement that you chain pull everything, and skip any packs that you don't absolutely need to pull. Don't expect to keep a full mana bar. Consumables are a must. Anyway, you guys can totally do it. *Edit* Also, if you need an s:priest and don't have one (or a good one ) handy, shoot me a tell. I am always down to run ZA, but rarely get saved to the Vind runs because Santero leads them, and 2 S:priests isn't always a good plan.
  6. I can't Lie. I've done this before. When Lucid was originally clearing MC and we needed Fire Resist, I bought 2k gold to use to get exhalted with Thorium Brotherhood. I then hooked up with a "Chinese" farmer who sold me stacks of Ore for much less than the AH. So, in turn, I bought gold from one farmer, then gave it directly back to another to sell to someone else. Lawl. Anyways, back then, I don't think it was monitored very closely. Now, from what I've heard Blizzard is taking large steps to eliminate gold farming and selling. This is a large percentage of the reason that gold transfers by in-game mail now take 1 hour to arrive. It gives them time to examine the transaction after it's flagged, because the amount exceeds their flagging criteria. Recieving gold from an online farmer is actually a banable offense, so if you choose to do it, be careful. I've also heard of people buying gold, and then having it removed from their character by GMs. I think there have actually been some people who've bought gold, and then had their epic mounts or other items they used the gold for removed as well.
  7. ilDuce


    Apparently. LAWL.
  8. ilDuce


    Eh.....What do I win?
  9. ilDuce


    Hey! Your title says 'VIP Guest', what's the difference between that and 'Forum Member'?
  10. ilDuce

    Sig Pics

    Forum Signatures have become so popular. It's like an identity these days, but I love them. Especially mine
  11. ilDuce


  12. Do you people allow fatties at these functions?
  13. Happy Birthday! I think after this, I may stop /humping you. From the sounds of things, I may have been unkowingly molesting a child. Ooooops.
  14. ilDuce

    @ Mullytt

    http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=tony+danza ** This link may be considered NSFW, depending on your employer's definition. While there is no nudity, there is some description of sexual acts that may be considered lewd or inappropriate. **
  15. I love how leif has deodorant on his desk, just incase he happens to notice he hasn't showered in 3 days, while eating his pizza. This way, he can tank for us, eat dinner and freshen up all at the same time. w00t. Also, Tilt? come on man.
  16. Leif's signature lies. I have never known Leif to drink anything, much less actually get drunk. He's a sissy little boy trying to act cool, IMO.
  17. ilDuce My name, ilDuce, was a name I picked up during the very early days of playing Half-life, and later for my Counter-Strike "career". It was originally taken as a reference to Benito Mussolini, not because I agree with his views or beliefs, but because I think his impact in history is a long and interesting one. Again, while I don't agree with his views (Fascism primarily), I do believe his impact on world history was quite a large and important one. The name, loosely translated means the (il) leader (Duce), in italian. The italian word is a derived from a latin word, dux, to which the word "Duke" is also a derivative. This is why you will often heard "il duce" translated as "the duke". I get quite a few inquiries from people about my name, most assume it was take from the movie "The Boondock Saints" in which one of the characters (he was a badass by the way) was named il duce. However, that movie was released well after I had taken the name, it just so happens that I now have a badass gun toting old man associated with it as well. Kaydance Kaydance was a name morphed from the uncommon English name Kadance. The name is an alternate spelling of the name "cadence", which means rythem. I happen to like the name, and decided when I set out to make the "prettiest" draenei female priest possible it would be fitting. However, the spelling Kadance (which I prefer of Cadence) was taken, so I had to adopt an alternate spelling.
  18. Too Funny! ROFL, wtf?
  19. As much as I hate to admit it, I can not stop laughing at that video. It's kinda bad to laugh at some child getting kicked so hard she turns a flip, but the street fighter soundFX just make it so damn funny.
  20. ilDuce


    I R scared.
  21. ilDuce


  22. Priestie stuff looks pretty good. However, LAWL @ Mages.
  23. Damnit Erlin, I was gonna pretend I wasn't fat on these forums! Way to ruin my fun.
  24. me!
  25. /target Stangmeister /hump!
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