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Everything posted by ilDuce

  1. Disc. is fun to play now, Stang. Come back and I'll teach you.
  2. Damn Geo for being in tells with all those boys. I thought i was the only one.
  3. I don't know what healbot is, but I assumed you used some sort of Clique-esque mod, since you don't seem to have any healing spells bound to keys.
  4. Please tell me you heal with Clique, or something like it.
  5. This was mine, about a year ago. I'm not really sure why I changed it, I think I like this better than my current one. Is it proper enough? I'll post a current one when I get home from work.
  6. Yay for post-boss RPs. I swear the NPCs in that instance never shut up! Grats on the kill folks!
  7. ilDuce


    "Meow, I'm gonna have to give you a ticket on this one. No buts meow. It's the law."
  8. They're the Jedi of the sea! IF you had balls, would you want Jedi touching them? I think not.
  9. I'm not ashamed to ask for help, just never really thought it would actually get a response from people. I've been solo funding the Lucid Vent/Website/Domain for over 4 years. I really might try doing this and see what happens.
  10. Since I frequent your forums, and generally enjoy trolling and reading the content here, I've given a little something as well. It's not much, but hopefully it will help. I've never actually thought about doing this on the Lucid site, I always just assumed people would be too cheap to contribute. I should put one up and see what the response is like.
  11. what?
  12. ....and here I thought I was the creepy one, swooping in to /hump someone every so often. >.< I hope that guy doesn't find his way to the Lucid forums.
  13. Grrrrrrats!
  14. I really want Skoll on my hunter, but I'm far too lazy to ever actually get it. I've spent a fair amount of time camping spawns and checking spawns for all of them, but eventually just gave up. They're definitely rare, I wouldn't be surprised to see someone get all three over a long period of time, but to do so in one night is quite an accomplishment. Not to mention REALLY lucky. I actually saw you in Dal with Skoll last night, and thought "Hmm...I have no idea who that hunter is." Then saw what I thought was the same FP hunter again a while later with Gondria and thought "Surely that's not the same hunter." I guess it was. Even though Blizzard won't give you achievement points for it, it's still pretty awesome.
  15. If it is correct, I take full credit. If it's not correct, clearly it's Myrevenge's fault.
  16. Hey! I just said the same thing in the Vind forums. Maybe we're on the right track!
  17. ilDuce


    LOL! That is awesome. They even took the time to give him sideburns and a furry fin on the back!
  18. *Raises Hand* I have a Storm, and I've actually been quite pleased with it. It serves my purposes well, and I've yet to have any problems out of it. The only slightly drawback, from my perspective, was getting used to the touch screen - as it's much different than the one on my LG Voyager was prior. All in all, I have no complaints. In addition, I think the VZ Navigator is one of the better Navigation options among the cellular providers. My recommendation would be to go play with the Storm for a good while in the store before making a decision. It certainly isn't for everyone, and there is absolutely a ton of negative feedback from some people. Regardless of what phone you buy, try before you buy. I'd imagine that different phones and their functions feel differently to everyone.
  19. I'm not sure about this explanation. It strikes me as a bad choice all around. Personally, I don't want horde players logging on to alliance accounts to talk junk every time they get upset about me killing them (not that I can most of the time xD), or bragging if they kill me (which is the more likely outcome). From a business standpoint, it does not make sense. Plenty of people pay for a second account for this very reason. Giving them the option to do it without subesquently filling Blizzard's pockets seems irrational. That being said, I am somewhat certain that is why they're not allowing you to transfer characters in that manner. Those currently with multiple accounts could then transfer their opposite faction characters to their primary account, thus meaning a lot of account cancellations for blizzard. Essentially, they're allowing players who have been steadfast in their unwillingness to buy a second account for the purposes of multi-faction communication to have a way of doing so without the cost. All the while trying to keep the less frugal, who've already buckled to that end, from cancelling their second accounts.
  20. Whysofine, Laura? Actually, it's alright that you're fine...I guess the real question is whysomarried? haha. <3 you Justin.
  21. <---- Maintenance Mechanic for a manufacturing company specializing in extrusion of PVC Edge banding. Basically an all around repair guy. I'm responsible for Welding, Troubleshooting (both electronic and mechanical), and repairing/maintaining all of the extrusion equipment and related peripherals for our plant.
  22. I usually give blood atleast 4 times a year, however, I've never heard of the "anti-homo" rule. While being straight myself, it obviously doesn't affect me, but I find it outrageous that they would discriminate in that manner. It's my understanding that any blood collected through donations goes through a lot of scrutinizing and testing before it's ever used. I realize there is a "window period" with antibody testing for HIV specifically, but it's not as if that doesn't hold true for straight people as well. Quite frankly, I can't see any valid reason why they shouldn't allow people in general to donate blood. It's an absolute shame that they would refuse to accept donations from someone based on their sexual preference, especially when the need for blood donations is so high. Facts are facts, any blood born disease can be contracted by people of any sexual preference, race, gender or age. Sorry for the mini-rant, but I'm honestly appalled to hear that such a rule even exists.
  23. I won't go in to a bunch of computer tech stuffs, since most all of that has already been covered. However, The antec cases that are listed are among my favorites. Lian Li also makes some nice cases, but you'll spend a good bit more for them. I typically use Antec cases when I build things. Also, coincidentally, I got a Newegg.com advertisement today, and one of the items listed was the following monitor: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824009125&nm_mc=EMC-IGNEFL021209&cm_mmc=EMC-IGNEFL021209-_-Monitors-_-L0A-_-24009125 Acer P243WAid Black-Silver 24" 2ms(GTG) HDMI Widescreen LCD Monitor with HDCP Things to note are that this monitor has HDMI inputs, which I find quite handy. Additionally, a 2ms response time is really really good. It won't matter much in WoW, but if you play other games, FPS for example that specification is quite important. Most monitors will range somewhere between 5ms and 8ms. Lastly, a 3000:1 contrast ratio is excellent for an LCD monitor; especially at this price point. Oddly, the add had it shown for $259, but when I clicked the link so I could link it here directly, it seems to show up as being $279. Regardless, it's an excellent deal. Mine is basically the same monitor, from Dell, and I love it. However, I paid $400 more than this one is listed for, about 2 years ago.
  24. /Sigh. Way to have your party the same weekend as my Lucid guildmeet. Now I'll never be able to convince Laura to be my arm candy for my party. ...Sorry Justin, you know I love you!
  25. That is a definite possibility.
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