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Everything posted by emerald

  1. What are the mats Shiki, and it's 375 engy I presume?
  2. Jake you missed the most important * (NEW SPELL) Ritual of Refreshment available on trainers at level 70.
  3. So that's why I kept getting DC'D
  4. Don't they go for the White House?
  5. http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i281/eme..._65367_3603.jpg Shortstick and I
  6. That is by far, the lamest tower I have ever seen Now this is a beauty! http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i281/emeraldflame09/Cntower.jpg
  7. What Bishop is really trying to say is that in addition to it being the Worlds Largest Building, it also has recieved other awards. World's highest public observation gallery - Sky Pod at 447 m (1,465 ft.) World's highest bar - Horizons Café at 346 metres (1,136 ft.) World's longest metal staircase - 2,579 steps World's highest glass floor - 342 metres (1,122 ft.) World's highest and largest revolving restaurant - 351 metres (1151 ft.) World's highest 'wine cellar' - 351 metres (1151 ft.)
  8. http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i281/eme...09/ShohonMe.jpg Shohon and I, .. kinda drunk
  9. http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i281/emeraldflame09/Head_left.gif CN Tower
  10. Woo! I have both of those Flask recipes! Niceeeee! and rogues, you got lucky
  11. =DDD
  12. This is bad thing for both the United States and Canada Our products aren't really cheap for you guys to buy anymore so you'll buy it elsewhere. BAD FOR BOTH ECONOMIES GAWD.. stop failing US..
  13. emerald


    ... On Tidewalker! Woo
  14. This thread will now be about HOW IT WAS CORKIE'S BIRTHDAY YESTERDAY. Troll away Corkie, tell some stories!
  15. Oh Oh, me Me www.myspace.com/phoenix09 i dont even use it anymore...
  16. Awww, but how can we suck, we obviously amuse everyone with our bagged milk, and cold weather!
  17. FF 12, pfft! I'm gonna beat ff7 again!
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