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Everything posted by emerald

  1. Common Gar. I'm 19, that's legal drinking age here in Canada. The only way your babysitting is if my face is in the toilet puking my guts out.
  2. emerald

    Sig Pics

    Gynis made mine!
  3. lawl
  4. http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i281/eme...09/SP_A0194.jpg http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i281/eme...09/SP_A0191.jpg two more editions! lets see who has the most! gogo!
  5. http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i281/eme...09/SP_A0131.jpg my newest edition
  6. http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i281/emeraldflame09/ZUsss.jpg sent this one to stang
  7. emerald

    Random Fun

    I work at a call centre for Rogers Wireless, talk on phones for 8 hours a day, can't use msn, or facebook, or anything or else I get fired. HOW DO YOU THINK I FEEL.
  8. Lawl, you had to do the one where my gun broke! Made melee hunter <25%
  9. http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i281/emeraldflame09/hair.jpg My awesome hair! OMG http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i281/emeraldflame09/n508738860_291131_4479.jpg Being EMO! http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i281/emeraldflame09/SUNP1456a.jpg Myself and the girl! Woo
  10. His hand cover two of the symbols. Plus, I think I would know, I'm only his cousin right?
  11. Ahem, I am here to elaborate on his tattoo. It means "I Love you Leia." Yes, he got a girls name tattoo'd on himself. /discuss
  12. emerald

    VENT 3.0!

    Don't do it Stang... It just means that you and loofa and co. can't log into the same vent from home. It's bs
  13. emerald

    VENT 3.0!

    It is not. ... this morning I could not log onto CC vent because they had upgraded, so I upgraded and now can log onto CC vent. However since I upgraded I can now NOT log onto FP vent, since they are using the older version. ....sighhhhh
  14. Party changed to Canada.
  15. emerald


  16. emerald


    By the way. Your argument is so retarded it's not even funny, everything people have posted, is music, performed by very talented people. Don't get me wrong, I HATE rap, and I HATE country, but it's music, of a different taste. Drop the whole argument..
  17. emerald


    someone try to tell me this isn't talent. (strong language)
  18. emerald


    Escape the Fate owns. But Mudvayne ftw.
  19. http://www.addictinggames.com/supercrazy2.html Shortstick told me to post this game, it's pretty sweet.
  20. Emeraldofsauce! Shortsauce Shosauce Ravensauce Dragonsauce Hinansauce Stangsauce Loofamcsauce Garsauce The list goes on! The possibilities!
  21. Don't tempt Atrus, or you will be losing 400g I guarentee it. I <33 You Sakx, but that's 400g on the line!
  22. Oh man, I wish I could go . I'd be one of the people drunk and passed out though, not much fun! Don't do dirty things while I sleep!
  23. Holy poo you have crazy blue eyes.
  24. http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i281/eme...e09/mariame.jpg and the girlfriend. (Drunk haha) http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i281/eme...09/mqariame.jpg Not drunk in this one. http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i281/eme...me09/meguys.jpg Me and some friends, unforunetely not Shohon or Shortstick ( people who dont play apparently exist. )
  25. Those mats for the normal engy mount (only one I could even ride) are really really easy makes me happy.
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