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Everything posted by ZANGORE

  1. lol u wish
  2. well ty for coming and adding a female touch : )
  3. im so down
  4. pics or it didnt happen and tom and HV i see your reppin blood : ( true blue crip till i die C
  5. lol awesome wish i was there maybe the next 1 u guys will have to put up with ZANGORE irl
  6. very nice I love girls with tatoos
  7. heard it on mike and mike monday morning very sad /salute /mourn
  8. I would do anything for that !!!!!!!!
  9. happy bday dude many more


    welcoem to florida where r u moving too?
  11. gay marriage is fine with me they deserve to be just as misrable as everyone else
  12. I love u
  13. I woudl just like to take this time to say Happy mothers day to all the moms out there in wow world you do a great job all year now take today and enjoy yourself
  14. very nice ryee : ) the death knight sounds wicked

    Grind Music!!

    AK1200, Deiselboy, Dara, pretty much anything by DJ Baby Ann, Mudvain(prolly not the correct spelling) all i can think of right now
  16. lol
  17. Basicaly its wow rap http://www.myspace.com/druidboyz
  18. wow man great post ty : )
  19. Happy Birthday FP!!!!!! I know i havent been in the guild that long but you guys have made it great for me I have grown so much in the game just being here andreally love you guys heres to another year of FP : ) /cheer


    /hate it dude turning homer simpson and mario into real people is just wrong
  21. It's a spoof from Saturday Night Live : )~
  22. Giants rule nuff said later John
  23. grats guys !!!!
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