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Everything posted by ZANGORE

  1. I just wanted to take some time to say Happy Mothers Day to all the moms out there. Hope you have a great day!!!!!


    thanks alot guys : )
  3. looks like warrior gear to me
  4. yeah we did good tonight grats to everyone that was there
  5. happy birthday man enjoy yourself


    just wow that was prolly the best finish ever


    just wow that was prolly the best finish ever
  8. grape drink for everyone happy bday to the man with the most soul
  9. i always hated fp loot rules everyone saved their rtu for the last 2 bosses of naxx and it was just silly i always liked unlimited rtus but if u already won something then priority goes to the person who hasen won anything yet
  10. please stop playing with my emotions /excited
  11. ex cook now poker dealer
  12. this game is stupid my guy wait forever to pull out his sword and when he finaly does he throws it wtf
  13. happy birthday man
  14. hahahhahahahahahahaha
  15. Zangore now has a sword and a puppy already killed belg
  16. dont feel cocky everyone does
  17. i would gladly trade my puppy in for a sword
  18. i hate this game every toon i start has a weapon besides zangore
  19. http://zangore.mybrute.com i dare u to fight me and my puppy

    Patch 3.1.0

    oh big shock fury warriors got nerfed again
  21. happy birthday !!!!!!!!!!! dont forget to heal me please

    Happy Easter

    I just wanted to say happy easter to all my FP friends
  23. happy birthday !!!!!!!!!
  24. lmao wtf man
  25. yay for us !!!!!!!!!!!
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