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Everything posted by ZANGORE

  1. hopefully soon it went from useing breast milk in ice cream to this
  2. wow so u cant argue against my point so u have to correct my spelling and grammer eff off
  3. explain? its stupid beacause i dont agree with your views?
  4. or we could mind our own biz and not think anyone can tell anyone what to eat if u have a problem with how those animals r treated by all means dont eat the meat the problem with poeple like peta is if u dotn see their views yoru the enemy kinda like nazis
  5. when cows make the laws and rules they can do what they want but since humans scrached and clawed to the top of the food chain we can do whatever we want the cows your talkign about wouldnt even be alive if not for the need of milk or meat. Ask any peta member if they woudl exchange their own daughter or sons life for that of an animal and u can just watch them backpeddel and try to twist it . even better ask tghem what they woudl do if a lion was attacking their kid and see how fast they woudl put a bullet in the lions brain. People only want to help the helpless cause they feel its right u knwo if they were starving they woudl eat whatever they had to to stay alive . By the way i love animals and have had pets my whole life but untill they make the same contrabutions as humans then they will forever be dinner imo
  6. y do i see myself and millions of pothead taking peta out dont eff with my ben and jerrys or i will make ice cream out of yoru brain
  7. wtf is wrong with russian people


    stang loves the new meat
  9. whos scared of the KGB? they had their time in the 80s the mafia still owns all /italian
  10. Memphis how do i get said trinket
  11. i cant belive the stuff people will complain about
  12. r u challangng me to a gettin high and eating contest your goin down
  13. happy birthday man
  14. happy birthday man
  15. lmao thats awesome
  16. he trained soem of the biggest start there are HHH for example

    Eni! <3

    happy birthday FPFTMFW
  18. lol
  19. i love thease things i think they start at the end and just keep adding sttuff to the begining however they do it is cool as hell
  20. u gays and your will and grace r so silly
  21. yeah i saw that too man he was a legend got the name killer from knocking a guys ear off in a match people came to the show just to hate him he will be missed
  22. im soooooooooooo down i been wanting to raid again
  23. happy birthday we miss u
  24. we still need 4 people to join so if your interested pm lunes
  25. very f'n cool
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