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Everything posted by Trigori

  1. /target naga /skin
  2. I am farming Zul'Aman til I die for that mount. That is all. PS And it's a raptor, Gar.
  3. I don't even remember what 1000 armor feels like. >_>
  4. One could make the connection... XD
  5. The bear's den... lol Apologies for the size of the pic. >_>
  6. Great job everyone!
  7. Currently downloading. Account name eleventhecho. In-game name Convalescent (no, I don't play a medic or anything >_>) or Trig. Also, I haven't really played with steam much lately but I just fixed my SteamID, which is Trigori.
  8. Trigori - Ruining warrior tanks' screenshots, one boss at a time.
  9. Grats guys!!
  10. Mint
  11. Memorial
  12. Curious
  13. Bath
  14. Costumes
  15. October
  16. pitcher
  17. Alka-Seltzer
  18. Tums
  19. Lol. /target Sploit /hug
  20. Not all of us have the luxury of one-button AFKAuto-shot, Sploit. And I have tried to cut down as much as possible, but I use just about everything there. I keep the raid windows up because I'm never just plain DPS. I have to know who's alive, who's dead, who needs an innervate, who's not getting heals (when I'm healing). I guess I'm just used to it. Heh. You should have seen my screen last night in Naxx. Holy hell. I'll post a ss when I get home.
  21. Apologies, Stang. But I don't like seeing everything! Biship, I use TrinityBars and Xperl for the looks. Other than that, just the basics like Omen, SWStats and Itemrack.
  22. I got to tank Kel for a bit, and I got my T3 boots. Woot!
  23. Not on Netherspite!
  24. Upper left hand corner says 1/1 HP. I should have SS'd my combat log too, since I was actually tanking with 1/1 HP for like 3 dodges. Lol. <3 Pocket watch!
  25. http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u237/trigori/1outof1hp.jpg That is all.
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