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Everything posted by Trigori

  1. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!
  2. Trigori

    FP Survivor!

    /vote The Russian
  3. Lol. Considering Druids get a way to break fear (which also includes AoE Maul and AoE Mangle), the introduction of the new DPS/Tank hybrid Death Knight and rumors of Paladins getting some serious reworking, there is going to be a helluva lot more competition for tanking. Then again, Blizzard could just eliminate the other tanking classes by making a boss require Spell Reflect (again!) and/or a shield (Darn you Kael, in phase 4). XD
  4. Trigori

    New Computer

    Doesn't this statement kind of contadict itself? XD
  5. Trigori

    New Computer

    Yeeeahhhh.... Sorry about that. >.>
  6. Trigori

    FP Survivor!

    Oh no he di'nt!
  7. Trigori

    FP Survivor!

    +Combat -Dire Bear Form +Travel Form -Combat -Travel Form +Epic Flight Form Nice try. But I'm outta here! Jerks! =D
  8. Trigori

    FP Survivor!

    Don't fancy wearin' a skirt, eh? Your armory suggests otherwise.
  9. Trigori

    FP Survivor!

    That was Soma, knucklehead. I've been hit-capped since Kara. Therefore, Atrus's vote is null and void due to improper foundation. I vote Tica, because tanks must stand together. /tar Gryph /ashamed
  10. Trigori

    FP Survivor!

    I vote Beck. The man has been trying to get himself off this island from day 1. It's time he gets his wish. Shad, your time will come. Memphis, I'm only a bear in a chicken suit. I do not taste like chicken.
  11. Aigle 1 Bishop 0 GG
  12. Trigori

    Be Imba!

    Ok so my tank set is rated 234.39. The site's mad at me for still using 3 Kara pieces and a blue crafted trinket. Lol. The worst part is my healing gear is rated higher. >_>
  13. Trigori

    Be Imba!

    Well hot diggity dog! 23.84! And it says I shouldn't be raiding at all!! Laters all!
  14. I think this would be an appropriate time for some...... Meatloaf.... I WOULD DOOOO ANYTHING FOR LOOOOOVE...... BUT I WON'T DO THAT..... NOOOOO NOO NO NOOOO NOO NOO
  15. Not every piece yet! I've waiting forever for that silly helm to drop off Naj'entus, and patiently waiting for the all the healers that want them to get their trash cape and ring, then I'll have all the crap no one else wants! XD Actually, kinda hurts my feelings but Armorylite rates my healing gear and pvp healing gear higher than my tank gear. >_>
  16. Lol. Imba told me I should be healing in Sunwell. Lol.
  17. effective* And wow dude. That was a joke I expected from Shad or Ghost. /sigh What's this world coming to?
  18. Trigori

    FP Survivor!

    Perplexingly vexing... /signup
  19. Nice. 1 M92FS here, along with a FAMAS. My friends fought dirty and bought hi-cap mags though. > Kind of a pain in the rear when someone charges you with an MP5 with a clip with a 100 round capacity. We evetually took all the hi-cap mags and hid them. >_>
  20. That's it. I'm getting my gun. I used to play a lot of paintball/airsoft when I lived in Maine. Had a 13 acre backyard, and we sectioned a good portion of it and used to play for entire weekends. Was sooo much fun. CTF, VIP Escort, Survivor. I miss playing those. =(
  21. ^ This is true.
  22. Well, it's not so much the song as it is the fact that it's 'reading' the incoming and notes and attempting to play them (though if you noticed still quite a few bugs). Previous attempts at this involved programming the songs in beforehand. This guy is on the verge of having one that plays whatever song he feels like.
  23. Trigori


    Bah! I don't read general for one day and this happens! XD Well now you got it solved and I did not help. /flex Anyways on a side note, I actually use TrinityBars 2.0 atm, and that's what I was using with cyCircled.
  24. Tauren Space Marines in SC2. http://www.starcraft2.com Lol.
  25. Trigori


    I use a pair of Icemats and have used them for the past 2 years. I would reccomend them to anyone that has the cash.
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