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Everything posted by Trigori

  1. Trigori


  2. Trigori


    Sorry Malk. I had to correct you on that. XD
  3. Trigori


    Five Guys Burgers & Fries (Cajun!)
  4. Trigori

    'Tis the season!

    At least you don't have to grind Gadgetzan rep from Hated to Friendly to train past 225, Ryee. XD
  5. Grats dude!!
  6. IDKFA = All keys, guns and ammo in the original Doom.
  7. IDKFA
  8. Happy Birthday Etch!
  9. http://culturelegenocide.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/hannibal.jpg
  10. http://img2.timeinc.net/ew/dynamic/imgs/070305/friends/brian_l.jpg
  11. lol humid
  12. movie
  13. sneeze
  14. pawns
  15. kings
  16. wisdom
  17. This is like a perfect make-up of The Price is Right. 3 jackasses that one up each other on their opening bids, and the last crazy lady with the highest bid ever. XD FP > TPIR
  18. Trigori

    Who else

    Tarvik. XD
  19. I'll be a little more optimistic than Matt and go with... $1362.24 And sorry to hear about the deer hit. Glad you and your car are safe. I've hit a deer before up in Maine. It's no fun.
  20. Trigori

    Who else

    I picked up WotLK last night and installed. I started a Deathknight (since I didn't really have time to get into heavy leveling yet), and I must admit: Blizzard did an outstanding job on the starting area for DK's. For Lagcrusher, there was little to no lag, and after you first leave Ebon Hold, very minimal congestion. Yeah, I'm sure everyone and their mothers were rolling a DK, but you really couldn't notice it. Two thumbs up. I'll try and log on Trig this weekend and get some stuff done in Northrend (as long as I'm not in queue slot 1296 like last night >.<).
  21. Trigori

    Who Voted?!

  22. "Temporary Spastic" Hrmmm... That explains why I raid-lead. XD
  23. I was in study hall, playing Jenga, before my AP English class, during my senior year at high school. All we did was watch the footage and talk for the rest of the day in each of my classes. =/
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