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Everything posted by tscolin

  1. Happy Birthday FP!
  2. Blizzard is getting lazy.
  3. omg... get your fire resist gear! No loss there, they should just make t1-t3 quest rewards for leveling. I guess it kinda sucks for those lvl 60 guilds (as rare as they are).
  4. AMG, i got invited to my first progression raid in like a year, 10 minutes later, i'm in a guild first downing picture. We're the BEST, AROUND!
  5. TheMule Best character in foundation.
  6. tscolin


    lol Whatsup FP!
  7. Ive seen you guys before!!!! Oh wait, i remember. http://www-personal.umich.edu/~notlaw/Movie/Movie/swingers.jpg
  8. tscolin

    F18's can fly

  9. tscolin

    WotLK CE

    sell it.
  10. <3 abi, great interview!
  11. Oh man, that is so metal.
  12. tscolin


    This is how the raid should look every time, if it doesn't, stang fails. http://raidcomp.mmo-champion.com/?c=abbcca...bbbbbcacbauedho
  13. I think its case sensitive, its "Federal700"
  14. I have started a public virtual stock exchange game, called the "Federal700". The point of the game is to imagine you were given 700 billion dollars to invest in, whatever you want. Who ever makes the most on their returns wins!! Google virtual Stock exchange, make an account, goto find public game, and search for Federal700, JOIN UP. im tscolin on VSE. So please join, its a wonderful waste of time at work, and maybe we can make 700 billion into 7 trillion!!!!
  15. http://www.marcofolio.net/images/stories/fun/imagedump/demotivational_posters/chances.jpg http://theburningbiscuit.com/Pictures%20for%20site/Demotivational%20Posters/User%20created/Weed.jpg http://static.flickr.com/118/303174140_424e142369.jpg http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg74/jubed/jokes/ATT1395121.jpg http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg74/jubed/jokes/ATT1395126.jpg http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg74/jubed/jokes/ATT1395131.jpg
  16. im going to reroll...
  17. http://www.cyriak.co.uk/lhc/lhc-webcams.html Occasionally you can see them experiment, you will see the red lights flash when they are about to collide those damn dirty particles!
  18. I don't buy games, it be a pirates life for me!
  19. ^^^^^^^^ What he said!
  20. Thank god palin cares for you guys enough to cure you of your gay ways. being gay kills more people than aids, heart disease, and cancer combined. Its more important than healthcare, and social security. Its more important than wars and people dieing as a result of them. Its more important than our economy or the 9.5 trillion dollar public debt our country has. Im glad Palin has her priorities straight! Also, while they are curing gayitus, can they also cure me of my sniffles, my allergies are real bad today. Thanks in advance vice president palin, i really appreciate it.
  21. http://www.shoutfile.com/v/TWdSb0Jj/The-St...nline-Ever.html Its weird.
  22. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...ideoID=33887404
  23. Happy bday ryeeeeee!!!
  24. tscolin


  25. Any fight with brock lesner is a good fight, win or lose. Brock lesner hasnt been fighting long, but he is getting tickets sold, hes going to be in UFC for a while.
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