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Remember your noobishness?


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Yea, I remember thinking DI was really bad...


For a long time I used Seal of crusader as my main seal ( before and after it was nerfed) thinking that the faster my weapon the more damage in general ( even if the damage gets reduced overtime) , since SoR and SoCo were procs and werent garanteed damage.



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i used to think that your xp bar was blue all the time and purple when it got close to leveling up.


i remember the first time i got killed by horde. i was walking through wetlands for the first time and suddenly i was dead. yeah.. thats about how it went. didn't see it comin =/


also i remember when i was real low level and tom gave me 1g, and i thought it was the most amazing thing ever. i was like OMG ARE YOU SURE?!?!?! and he was like yah its nothin XD


then there was the time i blinked into the huge group of mobs at the beginning of scarlet side strat.... that was the only time i ever wiped a raid! i hope!

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Oh man SM memories... I spent so much time in that place. I remember doing Doan for someone's key, you know how he says something "You shall not defile this place while you carry the taint of the Scourge!" my friend goes, in /s "Alright, who brought the taint?"


I laughed so hard.

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I went from 100% to 0% trying to get my body back, because I didn't want res sickness.



I was such a noob I didn't bubble hearth

Edited by Bentley

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I use to stand outside the door to Prince and get locked out of the encounter. Man those were the days...




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When I first started and needed to go to the trainer to get my first spells, I remember getting mad because she wouldn't tell me anything. I was standing in front of the priest trainer thinking - "WTF Druids are a priest class!!! They heal!!! Teach me spells, you stupid woman." I thought it was more like EQ Where the "healers" got their spells from the "healing" trainer, casters from the caster trainer, etc.


Hin told me that I needed to find the druid trainer and I argued with him for about 5 minutes that druids were a priest class. /bonk

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I remember getting innervated. Funny stuff huh Hykos! :)



good times good times.


I miss MC/BWL



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OK the Immo and Wow forums are DEAD so guess what FP? YEAH BIGJOAN IS HERE.


AS for the topic I was a HUGE noob at the start since I had NEVER played a mmo before Some of the highlight include:


_Being told at lvl 15 by Darko that mobs with a grey tag don't get you xp(BTW you welcome whoever I followed around helping you kill mobs)


- I also had to get darko's help to learn about looting. I played alot of Final Fantasy's and I just assumed that after I killed a mob, id get the FF loot popup window. After a bunhc of lvl's not getting ONE drop combined with the above problem, the 1st 10-15 lvl's werent too much fun. I almost deleted the game I was so frustrated haha


-Fortunately I made ALL my noob Mistakes on my pali mavrick and learned my lesson b4 I rolled BJ. Ok that Bullshit too, I made plenty on BJ too I'm sure.




Oh yeah, I had to tell tangx where and WHAT the Bank was at lvl 40. I kid you not.

Edited by bigjoan?

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^ Trust me i know how u feel about the looting. Took me forever to loot a body. Bran ( Tutubo ) and I would always argue how i cannot loot and he kept telling me how..I was like 'Im right clicking I'm right clicking!' turned out i guess i was too far away from the corpse = \


Oh and another thing, I was noobing it up with the swimming and jumping part too. /sigh

Edited by Tutubi

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I leveled to 58 or so resto. Killing mobs either meant root + starfire or pop into bear, go make a sandwich, realize im out of mayo, run to the store and pick some up, come back and loot corpse.

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I leveled to 58 or so resto. Killing mobs either meant root + starfire or pop into bear, go make a sandwich, realize im out of mayo, run to the store and pick some up, come back and loot corpse.

In the 50's I used to run into combat, pop up a seal, and go read my email. With the ocasional grabbing a drink, talking to friends, browsing the forums, etc.



Why the hell did I stay a pally?

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The thing I think I find most funny about that Ecth, is the fact that I've done that so many times. I remember starting combat, going and grabbign the mail , maybe doing some push-ups or some rotation of me workout.

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i remember trying to swim from Darnassus to ....somewhere....


shit. im still a noob.


That reminds me!


I circled all of Kalimdor as a whisp at lvl 16 or something. I was eager to see all the places I couldn't get to alive. Took me like 4 hours. Colossal waste of time really. But I got to see Azshara weeks earlier than I would have otherwise! =D


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That reminds me!


I circled all of Kalimdor as a whisp at lvl 16 or something. I was eager to see all the places I couldn't get to alive. Took me like 4 hours. Colossal waste of time really. But I got to see Azshara weeks earlier than I would have otherwise! =D


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... oh boy.. where do i start..


I leveled with Rastaangle.. who was a UD Rogue to my UD priest.... so here are a few of the tales...


I used to think since I only had like 1 or 2 healing spells and the rest were for damage (at like level 10'ish) that I wasn't reall supposed to be healing that much. So when ever we would get in trouble I would always be out of mana from smiting and SW:P to heal anyone.. cuz that is how I did it in RFC, just nuked until Deadeye told me that when I'm grouping to not do shit other than heal...


Another noob (ass) thing I did is when Rasta would challenge people to a duel I would shield/renew him right b4 it started.. people used to get so pissed.


Here is a good one.. I thought that Fade (after reading the tool tip) was kinda like stealth... so I would fade and try to sneak up on people/things... not knowing the entire time I was the one who aggro'd...


Some highlights of leveling tho was the fact that Deadeye and Ustle were like the first 60's and first ones with mounts so we would always have them running around w/ us if we needed it.. nothing funnier than seeing Haniel and Steve get ganked by the servers first Doomsaw...


Or clearing out Refugee Point hiding in a bush healing Jitzgirl and Aarian as they destroy the town, only to have Exodia and The Cartel (lol @ Kylina) show up to corpse camp you for the rest of the day.


/miss the good ol' days

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The very first horde I ever saw was an Orc Hunter in Auberdine by the coast. When I clicked him his lvl was a skull, but I thought that it just did that for Horde, and I took my lvl 12 super NE priest over there and I tried to take him out. Didn't end well for me. I took screenshots but have since gotten rid of that computer. I wish I still had it to find out who that orc was.


@ Lvl 22 I raided sun rock reatreat with some friends in UCA. One of the coolest times in WoW, but I kept sitting in the Inn, waiting for it to spawn alliance NPCs. I thought that since we were there, it would flip the town to alliance. Kinda how towers work in EOTS now. But, alas, I was wrong!


I thought the portals behind the 4 world dragons were ways to change the "world". I thought that if I got enough of my friends there, it would activate it. Needless to say me and 15 or so other people sat in front of the one in Duskwood for a good 25 minutes. I swore that if we just waited a bit longer it would activate and we'd be the first to see where it led.


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The very first horde I ever saw was an Orc Hunter in Auberdine by the coast. When I clicked him his lvl was a skull, but I thought that it just did that for Horde, and I took my lvl 12 super NE priest over there and I tried to take him out. Didn't end well for me. I took screenshots but have since gotten rid of that computer. I wish I still had it to find out who that orc was.


@ Lvl 22 I raided sun rock reatreat with some friends in UCA. One of the coolest times in WoW, but I kept sitting in the Inn, waiting for it to spawn alliance NPCs. I thought that since we were there, it would flip the town to alliance. Kinda how towers work in EOTS now. But, alas, I was wrong!


I thought the portals behind the 4 world dragons were ways to change the "world". I thought that if I got enough of my friends there, it would activate it. Needless to say me and 15 or so other people sat in front of the one in Duskwood for a good 25 minutes. I swore that if we just waited a bit longer it would activate and we'd be the first to see where it led.


My first hunter was in UCA! I was Nightfang... lmao. I shot at stuff wondering why it wouldn't die. Then I stood in the back and almost got ganked by a rogue.


"Hey... I don't think I'm very safe back he- OH GOD A ROGUE! JUSTIN HELP ME!"

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I got this game a couple of days before Christmas 2004 on the advice of a friend. I had no clue about what this game was about so when it was time to make a character I asked him what to make. He said "Make a hunter and you'll get to have a pet" so I went and made a hunter. So I reach level 14 or 15 a few days later and I ask him, "So when do I get this pet?" I had no clue you had to go do a questline to get one...lol.

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