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Ok, so im thinking, there are probably alot of bands were in love with, that all our friends know of, and we would kill people to see. Last night i was talkin to erlin, and i was dumbfounded he hadnt heard of this band Underoath, while he knew who Every Time I Die is [still kicking myself for not naming my lock that]. So anyways, im starting this thread to list 5 bands you really like that most people might not know of.



1. Underoath [emo meats hardcore, and have many children]

2. Paramore [emo, chick on vocals, hawt]

3. Saosin [Punk rock jam band?]

4. The Starting Line [see underoath, but Emo pwns is this relationship]

5. My Chemical Romance [the dude wears kevlar to concerts, ftmfw!]

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This isn't just a random top 5 favorite list. This isn't my top five at the moment. This is me answering the subject.


These five groups not only gave way to real creation, but they hold dear to my heart.


1) Crass

This collective was born in the chaos of the early UK punk scene. They believed that the only authority in the world was one self. They screamed against the wind, not in the vain hope of changing the world, but to attempt to understand the horrors around them, and their roles in them.

They were abrasive. As they came to their final years their music began to lack the form it once had, it became raspier, angrier. It was genuine. They set a shelf life for the crass collective. 1984. They held true, no stupid reunions, no ego stroking. This coupled with Orwell at the age of 13 changed my world.




" Those of us who stand out against the status quo. Do so against all odds.

We cling so closely together

Because we have little other than ourselves.

Critics say that it's just punk rock or that we're just naive anarchists.

They hope to discredit us with their labels and definitions.

Throughout history societies have condemned those who are later celebrated as heroes,

In so many bourgeois homes Van Gogh's sunflowers radiate from the walls,

Yet he lived in utter misery, condemned by those very same people.

Why is it that the kind and gentle are subjected to violence and riducule?

How is it that the small and mealy-minded have gained so much power?

What perversion has taken place that we are governed by fools?."


2) Nirvana


Nirvana was the first band I ever connected with. Lyrical tidbits of clarity, hidden amongst artsy surreal escapism. A nod in every direction to bands no one gave the credit deserved. They were like a tribute band that grew into a beast all it's own. The next logical descendents of "the wipers", nirvana made songs that had energy, but expressed uncertainty.


3) Embrace - not the "nu metal" band. The circa late 80's hardcore/emo group.


My absolute favorite Ian Mckay project. And that's saying a lot for a man who spearheaded minor threat and fugazi. The perfect blend of Minor Threat's anger, and Fugazi's more expiremental musical throes. Not a bad song on the entire album.




no more number one

we've got to quit that game

no more attitude

give it back to the TV set, c'mon

no more tough guy stance

i hear your mommy call

no more suicide

it kills everyone

no more petty love

no more petty hate

no more pettiness


4) Les Savy Fav


Really fun indie rock. Really odd allusions. Really strange tales. Their album "Go Forth" is the single album I'm still shocked no one listens to. Their other albums are great too, but "Go foth"is bizarre from beginning to end. Borrowing heavily from Gang of Four in the musical dissonance department, some songs have no "hook" others have brief pre-chorus sing alongs.

Find this album. legally or otherwise. Find this album.




"Don’t trust the poets, they want to get paid

They’re plying their trade to the art of getting laid

Don’t trust the prophets, their visions are fudged

They’re buying our houses while selling us floods"


5) Bad Religion


These guys hold the dearest place in my heart for bands. Of the two main lyricists, one is a Doctor of Evolutionary Paleontology (with a minor is zoology) and the other is a helplessly addicted heroin and crack addict. Both lyricists are furious and sharp tounged. Both lyricists have a distrust for modern man. Greg graffin tackles things from a very logical, science backed point of view. Brett Gurewitz (Billy Gnosis) tackles things in a more ambiguous way, and chronicling his own horrors and failures with an honest disgust for what he has done and is doing to himself.

Sonic attack. Their music blisters through each album, and within a couple minutes you've heard another attack on humanity from people who are too elequant for many to notice just what they are saying anyway.

Ohh's and Ahhh-lagists. Harmony hasn't moved me like this since the beatles.




a) "Our evolution is our demise"

cool.gif"Grave memorial hewn white stone

Like the comforting caress of a mother

Or a friend you've always known

It evokes such pain and significance

What was once is reduced to remembrance

And the generations pass without recompense


What pretension! Everlasting peace.

Everything must cease."


Yah, so that's my essay for the evening hahaha. hope somebody out there can relate to me about these bands. maybe not tho

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1. (Artist, really) Paul Simon

2. The Strokes

3. Modest Mouse

4. Tenacious D

5. The Postal Service

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Oh dear God... I am going to prepare myself for the flaming of a lifetime with this list. smile.gif


1) Supertramp (you'd be suprised how many people do NOT know who they are!)

2) Jethro Tull (Ian Anderson /= Jethro Tull... it took my father MANY years to convince me of this

3) Fairport Convention (Modern Classic Brit/Irish folk rock)

4) Bela Fleck & the Flecktones (Don't ask... just listen. Start with "Left of Cool")

5) Dave Matthews Band (Yes. Very big name. But THE greatest band evah)

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Lol...I saw bela fleck at a concert once...awesome banjoist. Is that a word?


Nice to see someone else who knows who The Postal Service is. Somehow they always end up on "top XX songs to listen to while having sex"...go figure.


I have some very odd musical tastes.


--The decemberists

(there's 2 spellings, Decemberists, and Decembrists..Decembrists is the original spelling but they may have made an official change since everyone kept fucking up)

Listen to: The Chimbley Sweep (or is it Chimbly...music's on my other partition), Legionnaire's Lament, The Mariner's Revenge, The Engine Driver, 16 by 32, A Cautionary Song.


I'd describe them best as folk music. The term doesn't really do them justice, however. They're very slow in comparison to most peoples' tastes, and you have to actually pay attention to the lyrics. You do not listen to them when you're high, or you miss stuff. Helps to have a dirty mind sometimes, too. You'll either love them or hate them, haven't ever met anyone in between.



I prefer their newer stuff, but they've changed a bit so just take a random sampling. Quicksand, Flowers in the Window, Pipe Dreams, Side come to mind. There are more, some of their stuff I love, others I hate. I can't remember the name of the one with the banjo, but it's really good (track #5 on something...lol...maybe just my mix).


Scottish guys. Yeah, they're a tad on the emo side, but then, what scottish band isn't. Still, they're a far cry from scremo, which can go to hell.



I only recently discovered them. Some of their songs are pretty filler, but others stand out. I Summon You (listen to this one, it's not a love song), The Two Sides of Monsieur Valentine (hope I spelled that right...), Jonathan Fisk, The Way We Get By, Chicago at Night, Take a Walk are my favorites. Ignore the song I Turn My Camera On...it's a fluke. Kind of like Beck's forray into being black with "Jenny" or whatever it's called.


I really can't place the singer's accent. In any case, they're intelligent pop. Trust me, there's such as thing as pop that doesn't involve Brittney Spears, or <Insert Boy Band Flavor of the Month>, that people can actually enjoy.




Those are my three bands of the moment. As you can tell, I'm into the softer side right now, after getting some punk out of my system (Bandits of the Acoustic Revolution anyone?).


As an artist listen to some stuff by Elliot Smith. It's haunting, and yes, he's really that sad. He committed suicide, in fact, not too long ago.


Some singles you might want to try:

Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc (I don't know why I've become obsessed with this song recently. It has a guest spot by De La Soul...if anyone even knows who that is... In any case, watch the video, because I think the visual element is what makes this a bit more than just a passing "oh that's cool". www.gorillaz.com and you can view their music videos online, free of charge.)

Muse - Bliss (These guys have made this 1 song that sounds like nothing else they've put out. The band's ok in general, but this song seriously reminds me of Savage Garden. Kinda gay, but meh.)

The Zombies - A Rose for Emily (Somehow manages to be hilarious and disturbingly depressing at the same time. Based of a short story of the same name.)

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Still, they're a far cry from scremo, which can go to hell.




If your'e referring to what the corporate music structure has dubbed "screamo" these days, then yah, it can go to hell.


Screamo as it was when it began tho was amazing. That being "You and I".

Some of the band members feel angry at having helped spawn what is passed off as screamo today. And some of the band members even renounce their former work (mostly out of anger because of the bad way they broke up), but You and I were amazing. AMAZING.

bad singing, screaming, using a wonder years sample, not to mention all the other great samples. Lyrics that were intense and somewhat ambiguous. And then in the midst of the screaming you'd here harmonies of all the band members singing together, before some ground shaking breakdown was to come.


You and I.

I feel bad for people who can't understand that CD.

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im just kinda picking these from the top of my head


not really unknown bands either


1. millencolin

2. alkaline trio

3. thrice

4. saves the day

5. metallica (pre black album)


these are more of like my top 5 fav. bands


i also have trouble explaining how bands sound so dont bother asking cause you will most likely get an answer like, "they use guitars and drums and stuff."

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Erlin check out Smoke or Fire. You might dig them. They are a bunch of my friends from growing up and college.

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Oh dear God... I am going to prepare myself for the flaming of a lifetime with this list. smile.gif  


1) Supertramp (you'd be suprised how many people do NOT know who they are!)

2) Jethro Tull (Ian Anderson /= Jethro Tull... it took my father MANY years to convince me of this

3) Fairport Convention (Modern Classic Brit/Irish folk rock)

4) Bela Fleck & the Flecktones (Don't ask... just listen. Start with \"Left of Cool\")

5) Dave Matthews Band (Yes. Very big name. But THE greatest band evah)


OMG Bela Fleck PWNZ


1-Judas Priest (Halford is god)

2-Yes (Chris Squire is right behind Halford on my 'god' list)

3-Primus (Claypool...another god)

4-Phil Collins (What can I say? Great musician and songwriter, although some of the Gensis stuff was just a little weird.)

5-Mr. Bungle (....)

and ive gotta put a 6-Mindless Self Indulgence (just crazy)

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Non-point is the only one I can think i would recommend to anyone.


Non-point is bad ass, their cover of In the Air Tonight blew me away.


One more I forgot to list...Trivium, imagine Mettalica with more balls...real guitar solos, very heavy and very melodic vocals...and I bieleve the oldest member of Trivium is like 20, extremly talented band.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't have 5 bands... I listen to all but right atm I am into


Bowling for Soup.... they are funny. They came and took over our morning radio stations show for a week. It was sooooo funny. I never laughed so hard in my life......

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Rise Against, They are just awsome so good so good


Linkin Park, Again awsome!


Rascal Flatts, they may be country but they are still good


Yellowcard, flame if you will I like them


BARENAKED LADIES!!!!!!! These guys are just unbelieveable they are so awsome, and they are canadian

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1) Pink Floyd (Best music ever)

2) Dropkick Murphies

3) Flogging Molly

4)System of a down (i'm streaching here)

5) well i dont have a five but the song "Paint it black" Rolling stones is a must have

6) does beetoven count as a band? (ode to joy ftw)

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Cake is pretty good...and some of Bare Naked ladies is aight, too.


That reminds me, Dragon, if I had a million dollars...We wouldn't have to eat Kraft dinner. But we would. Oh we would.

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1) Pearl Jam (Huge band, but if I didn't list them I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight - if you like music, chances are you'll like them)




3)The Tragically Hip (WooHOO, man are these guys good live)


4)Tom Waits (go, go to the store now and buy an album called "Rain Dogs"... GOOO!!!)


5)Did I already mention Pearl Jam?? I did?? oh, ok, well.... ummm.... how about... The Foo Fighters. Honestly, that Dave Grohl fella is pret-ty talented.

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1. Underoath [emo meats hardcore, and have many children]


just downloaded 3 of their songs from purevolume, these guys are pretty damn awesome. Teahn, which cd of theirs should i buy?

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yea that will be eventually but name like, the best one. or just say any oif them they are all good, n00b.

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ok, get the latest one, "They're Only Chasing Safety" probably the best of the 3, but the older stuff isnt exactly worse, its different, a little harder, a little less refined.

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Alright guys, here are 5 bands that kickass!


1.) Dark Tranquillity

2.) In Flames

3.) Amon Amarth

4.) Nightwish

5.) Children of Bodom


Metal ftw!


~ Xar

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