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OMG! i love expansions! =D


soo its like, what... 4 days away now? i was tempted to post this like 2 weeks ago but i realized u'd all laugh at me even more than u normally do so yah... i waited. lawl...


I was thinking about the best way to lvl at first, with all the lag... and crowds... and hordes of.. um... horde. and what with the technical issues and like 20 ppl telling me they r just gonna follow me around cuz i kno all the quests @_@


so i figured what better way to avoid all that (especially the 20 ppl part... u kno who u r!) than to run instances! =D


hellfire ramparts and blood furnace are two lvl 60-63 instances about 45 seconds away from the dark portal, requiring no keys or quests to enter. Each is about 45 minutes long and has 3-4 bosses each. They r easy and some awsome socketed items drop (just not if ur in full tier 2.... which we all are.. but shhh!) (............. if ne1 makes a crack at the nemesis legs after what i just said... I'll kill you.) So yah I kno everything there is to kno about both instances and will be eager to run either of them until i get to a lvl where the xp is no longer great... so for a long time. In beta about four runs of ramparts at lvl 60 would lvl u, so im geussing mayb 8 runs for a lvl? i dont rlly have an idea but in beta i only had two regions with ne quests at all left to do by the itme i was 70, which means they cant add THAT much more xp per lvl on top of what there was in beta... I hope...


sooo yah great way to get cash, items, xp, shiny new enchant mats.. shiny new cloth and of course its fun! ^^ it wont b that hard to get a group together but just so i kno if ne1 is interested in joining me on teusday / wednesday by all means post, il even let u throw in an insult! =D (that means u este) oh and il kno to just auto invite u instead of spamming G chat with "NEED MORE!"... u kno i will


good hunting prophets

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Soooo...where do I get Nemisis legs in the expansion? Better ask someone else though as its obvious you dont know tongue.gif

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krotas is probably wondering if my avatar has nemesis legs on . . .

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Silly people that will only do instances to level.


You will regret it when you have to end up doing all those quests anyway or have fun grinding rep to do the end game tongue.gif

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Silly people that will only do instances to level.


You will regret it when you have to end up doing all those quests anyway or have fun grinding rep to do the end game tongue.gif


I love doing quests to level, but it's more a matter of so many people being on the same quests once BC comes out that the aggrivation just isn't worth it. For the first 5 levels or so, I wouldn't mind spending all my time in new instances rather than competing a ton of other people to collect / kill random drops / mobs. I don't mind going back and grinding rep if need be later on once the areas aren't so overpopulated.



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I plan on mixing it up a bit with leveling and questing, but if you're on, I'll be glad to go to those instances 8)


Hopefully the crowds won't be too bad.

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Hmmm....two locks in love in one instance with only three others between them???? Not sure if it is safe, but if we can handle it.....count me soooo IN. Miss you buddy!!!

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nef is ftw ^^


btw (in beta atleast) getting the rep available to u in the first few zones was shockingly easy. doing nothing but quests in hellfire from 60-62 got me half way through honoured with honor hold; i wasnt even trying


oh and i just remembered... hellfire citadel (instances i was refering to running previously) provide more HH rep than quests; no doubt.

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krotas is probably wondering if my avatar has nemesis legs on . . .


im so glad i was disturbed by that...


double post ftw

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nef is ftw ^^


btw (in beta atleast) getting the rep available to u in the first few zones was shockingly easy. doing nothing but quests in hellfire from 60-62 got me half way through honoured with honor hold; i wasnt even trying


oh and i just remembered... hellfire citadel (instances i was refering to running previously) provide more HH rep than quests; no doubt.


Instances tend to stop giving rep once you hit honored and only the level 68-70 ones continue giving rep after that with the heroic versions giving double rep.


Course you can grind like mad till you stop getting rep from instances and then do quests for rep but I tend to like doing quests anyway in the end it just depends on what you enjoy most.


Plus I'd rather not find out the hard way that I needed to do a quest to get access to a instance. For example skipping some quests in Netherstorm and Shadowmoon cause you to not be able to get keyed to Karazhan and Tempest Keep which in the end causes you to not be able to do the other raids tongue.gif Then skipping some quests won't let you get quests for the instances also at times which the rewards later on are comparable to the later 60 raids.

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I'm totally up for instances... quests suck...


if ur sig is what ur toon looks like... mayb u'd b better off in elwyn =P

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