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Tonight I finally got my epic paladin mount, and here she is:




More photos of the shinyness in the morning. :wink:


Anyway, I'd like to thank everyone who helped me out on this endevor. Besides those pictured above, there was Hinanin, Skee, Aelora, Xarn, Ecthelion, Logains, Dawn and a few others. Heck, I could say the enitre guild aided me.


This was the 7th run, and I can say every run before was a learning process. I learned the perfect group setup, and the best way to get to Rattlegore. The quest itself wasn't too easy, and seemed daunting at first. Once I figured out the pulls however, it became much simpler. I'm sure this is the same thing with any instance, but this is the first time I activley engaged in the learning process. (instead of hitching on the experience of others) I can safley say this made it a lot more fun.


So, if anyone else needs to do this quest, or just wants to get some of the cool loot look me up. :wink:


P.S. The wand he drops is not ranged, ergo it's "the wand that's not a wand"!

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