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I was walking from period 4 English to period 5 BBT (tech class), and was talking to friend of mine. Anyway, we reach the turn off where she goes to her musical vocal class, and I go to tech, and instead of saying, "goodbye" "see you later", or heck even "auf wiedeschen"


I said "Good Luck, Have fun."

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Haha, I've done stuff like that too.


Ever go the the movie theater get your ticket, and they tell you " Enjoy you movie." and respond with "You too." hehe

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i've said to ppl "bi! love u!" before...


il give u a hint as to why that wasnt good: they wern't relatives, and they wernt female....

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And I still get weirded out thinking about it, Krotas. Thanks for the extra year of Therapy.

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