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Alright. So, as a few of you might know, I recently quit WoW and am getting a game called Phantasy Star Universe with Sasori and Kibai. We decided we were all gonna go out and get it today. So, my brother and I left at about 4:30 to head to GameStop. We were gonna go pick up Kib and Sas, but they told us to go on ahead, their dad would take them.


So, we go to GameStop, and they have one copy. It goes to my brother because he's the one driving. So, we go to the Meijer across the lot, but they don't have it. Right now it's probably what... 5 o' clock? Anyways, we're driving along looking for a Walmart, and we decide to stop at Best Buy. Sadly, they didn't have it. Then, for some strange reason, we check Big K-Mart, which of course, doesn't have it. So, we're about to just head home, then my friend Mike calls and says he just got it from the GameStop that we just went to! We're like "WTF THEY SAID THAT WAS THE LAST ONE!". Then, at the same time, my brother is on the phone with Kibai, and Kib says that Gamestop has the weirdest tricks. On a forum, he read that one guy went to turn in a used game, and the GS employee says "Thanks!", give the guy $10, gets a $50 price tag, and sticks it on the game.


So, my bro and I decide that we're gonna go back to GS. He's gonna stay in the care, and I'm gonna take off my sweatshirt and my glasses, and go in and try to buy, but they were sold out. So we go back to Meijer because my brother wants to get a game pad. We see Kib and Sas there, and we're talking about getting everythign ready for the game and stuff. So, they get in their dad's car, we get in my brother's car, and we drive off. Then, we remember one last thing... Hollywood Video, which is right around the corner (game shop). So, we're about to turn left into the lot, and I look, and notice... in front of us is none other than Kib and Sas. I basically screamed.


Their dad is driving, so he's taking his time going around. My brother cuts through the fricken parking lot. He says "Alright, I'm gonna drive up to the store. You're gonna unbuckle your seat belt and jump out, okay?" And i'm like "Okay!". But we were joking and het gets to a parking space. I jump out the car and start SPRINTING. Then, their dad's car is in front of me, so I wait for it to pass, then I run behind it. I look over inside the car, and Kibai's face is like "... O_O!!!!!" And Sasori jumps out the car. Then Kib sees my brother coming and he's like... "IT'S A DOUBLE TEAM!". So he jumps out too. Me and Sas ran past the fricken door, lol. I'm like... around the corner then I realize, "I just ran past the door...." So I run back to the door. I grab the handle and look to my right. Sasori is dashing towards me. I scream and open the door. We both get in and we're scrambling looking for the video games, and we find them. Here's the sad part. Our brothers had already gone in and asked if they had the game. What's even worse is that it was SOLD OUT. It turns out that there was a door that lead directly to the video games, and our brothers had just walked in. Kibai basically held the door open for my brother.


So, we're driving home and my brother is boasting about his new game. We get home and I hop on the comp to talk to Kib and Sas, and my mom calls. We had called her earlier and she said she would look for it. My mom says "I'm done." and I'm like "Oh.. okay. Well, thanks anyways". She says "You owe me $52.99." I'm like "Wait.. what?!" and she says "Hehe, I got it!" and I'm cheering and shouting and I tell Kib and Sas. They're like "LUCKY!!!" So now, Sas is the only one without a copy, but he will most likely get his tomorrow. Target said they get things a day later.

And... that's my story biggrin.gif

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how about the time i asked to see a new GTA game and the EB games guy working their sais "sorry, i can't let you see it, it's raited R" *points at rockstar games logo*

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My wife picked it up as well, heard Sega's billing site has been down for 8 hours and no one can start a new account right now.

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