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My first screenie....I didn't do much back then, hence the standing around =P



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My first screenie....I didn't do much back then, hence the standing around =P


So what your say'n is, not much has changed.

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My first screenie....I didn't do much back then, hence the standing around =P


So what your say'n is, not much has changed.


Yeah...pretty much.

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eeeee ok i played in closed beta and open beta so i have some shots from those, also in my very early times =p


char screen in closed beta - me, branham, shiki, and our friend jiffy shared an account [yeah i was a night elf hunter]



then in open beta klakla was born... as a warlock!!!! eeeeeeeeek



end of beta party in SW!



my first deadmines run =p



kaslor at level 30ish!! with a bugged orc haha and idk who that dwarf is



raidin with the crew at lvl 40..


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Here's a really old one from stress test, at first I took it jokingly, with all the nooooooooes! and ahh! But soon after I got annoyed and was forced to alt-f4, and work my way back during the lag of coming back on, it was strange.




(it happened when I tried to swim a raid to oggrimmar, after that, I just took them to BB, and started a very fun war, the guards didnt work back then)



Oh and here is the one of the greatest shots in any game ever by me 8)






Notice if you zoom in there is a little black spot, thats an enemy, he was shooting at me,




Not for long.

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Haha awww Kla, <3.  Those were the good ol' days =).


Yeah, our exploring days <3

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Two things.


Why am I so sure that Klaudia was "Imsad" too? /emo? laugh.gif


And Marbo. Exactly how long have you been waiting for the opportunity to show those screenies of a random game to someone?



I am just messing with both of you. This is a classic thread.

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little known fact that Klaudia's original character was going to be Hawtgirl, but it was already taken...by Stangmeister!

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haha no actually my only char was dijin, blame shiki for the oddly named ones XD haha actually tom it was prolly jiffy o_0

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  • 5 weeks later...

Two things.


Why am I so sure that Klaudia was "Imsad" too?   /emo?   laugh.gif  


And Marbo.  Exactly how long have you been waiting for the opportunity to show those screenies of a random game to someone?



I am just messing with both of you.  This is a classic thread.


just checked up on this thread.


Oh, and i've been waiting ever since i took them. 8)

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My two top characters on Hakkar Server:









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Amg...a friend let me use his closed Beta account [that I shared with Klaudia to get her hooked! =D]while I knew nothing about this game. Back in the day when bags dropped like candy and I could have more than one capital letter in my name. Gah..and druid talents didn't exist, and the icon for Wrath was a lightning bolt. =P


But ya...I came up on Dolanaar and saw an Ancient Protector and was like AMGGGGGG AWESOME!!!



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zomg just saw kla's screenshots. hahahahah

i cracked up so hard. i forgot we shared that account with jonathan! <3


he seriously always has the best names lol

in fact, dijin was the only one of those thats Kla's.


i think my two favorites are G-Unit Shot me and Orcincognito [simpsons Reference biggrin.gif]

Heh, when he transferred to smolderthorn with me his character's name was taken, so he named his hunter Ambiguously and his pet Gayduo xD

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  • 11 months later...

i don't have any really old ones since i got a new computer... but when i was planning my night elf costume, i posted this picture to a message board for advice on making the ears. this is when lemon was still in <is in a guild> and rocking the sexy octopus tabard



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this is probably the only other oldest one i have, taken right before i quit for a year in 2005.




i wore so much cloth :/

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These are the oldest I have, my old guild MONG raiding the Sepulcher! - From around March 2005. I think Lyssa is 37 or so.











Edited by Lyssa

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My first toon; Dec2k4-Jan2k5(ish). Actually...My first toon was, um...'Feanore', but I have no screenshots that still live. Shoop probably remembers this, but I doubt anyone else does lol:


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I found an even older one, January 21st 2005. I had been playing for a little under a month at this point.



Edited by Lyssa

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