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FP Idiot's Guide to Passing Your Probation

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1. Don't beg for money in guild chat

2. Don't beg for items in guild chat

3. Don't beg for level 60s to run you through an instance in guild chat

4. Do not *ever* say "fuck" followed by "you" when talking to a high ranking officer or a close friend of a high ranking officer

5. Do not *ever* say "fuck" followed by the name of a high ranking officer to a different high ranking officer or the close friend of a high ranking officer

6. Do not lie to us

7. Do not spam our guild chat, even if it's not begging for items/money/powerleveling

8. You don't *need* that 500 gold item on the AH so badly you can't farm for it yourself

9. If you're having a bad day, your hemorrhoids are bleeding profusely, your cat is playing "hide the testicle I just clawed off", whatever...don't take it out on people in the guild

10. Do not act like an ass to people outside the guild as the officers actually know people who don't wear the FP tag and tend to hear about these things

11. Do not ninja loot from your own guild


I think those are the top 11 ways people have failed probation. Just a short guide for those people who were wondering about our not-so-random pass/fail system.

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as Kopi so graciously pointed out above the top 11 things you SHOULDNT do to pass probation, I figured I would point out the top 6 things you SHOULD do to help you pass probation:


1) Be POLITE to guildmates AND other players - this makes the WHOLE guild look good, including you. IE: when someone asks a question in a general channel or on a pug, if you are going to answer, be polite:

(eg: "Stupid N00b, everyone knows where Redridge is!!!11" is NOT polite, and makes FP look like a bunch of roving morons)


2) Be GENEROUS - When a piece of gear that you can't use drops while your solo farming, It is a nice gesture to link it in guild chat to see if anyone else CAN before you AH or vendor it. - It shows generousity, and thus makes you look good, which in turn, makes people want to help you. (see KARMA)


3) Be LOYAL to FP, I can't stress this enough - filling out applications to other guilds while guilded by FP does not make you look good, not to FP, not to the guild your applying for. (see KARMA again smile.gif )


4) Be FRIENDLY and personable - this means...instead of typing "lfg for brd" in guild chat, try something like, "hey guys Im thinking of doing a brd run, anyone interested?"


5) Have FUN...hang out, have a good time. Chit-Chat in guild chat, tell people about gear you got, talk about the group your in, link that uber blue hammer you just picked up, etc. That helps everyone get to KNOW you. Everyone has a bad day once in a while, but it is easy to tell who is just having a bad day, and who is just miserable.

(eg: "man, thats weak, my set piece didnt drop! sad.gif "


OmfG STupid BLizz!!! MY damN HelM didnT Drop!!! IM QUITING THIS STUPID GAME, all The groupS i Get SUCK!!!"

(nobody wants to deal with the 2nd one, it puts undue pressure on everyone, and the last thing we want is stress smile.gif )


6) CREATE AN ACCOUNT ON THE FORUM AND READ AND POST, we post our raid schedules here, etc, it is necessary that you have at least a slight presence.


I can say that ALMOST EVERYONE that follows these 17 rules, will become a member...it is NOT hard to get through probation...being friendly and polite goes a LONG way.

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If they haven't created an account on the forum, how will they know about your 6th point?

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Just read that it suits me fine and it shows maturity in this guild. I am not saying that to pass my probation but because I believe you are expressing the correct behaviors to make a guild fun.


Godo job,



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Get Vent and get on it.... <---- doesn't mater if you have a mic or not most of us are on vent at some point in time or another, you will almost always find me on there along with ami, and helicon (spelling and sleep is takeing over heli). once in there you will see how most of us tick and it will help you in becomeing umm whats that word oooh yea socialble... (again sorry its 4:30 and im tired) play around a bit but make sure we know your playing like use "your mom"... lol j/k dont use that till we know you... use our nicks... Im the famous Lootgains, if you ever party with me with FFA on.. well lets say the only way you will get loot is if you are far far away from me... wink.gif i dont ninja Im just quick at looting... ask erlin and ami, and heli they have seen me work... and I didn't grab all the goodies... we are a relaxed guild but we stick to our rules.


so have fun (that should be rule number one)

1) HAVE FUN!!!!!!! <----size 60 font laugh.gif

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Forum font size restrictions crit Logains for 1800.


Flawless victory!


Oops, wrong game...

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-Flame guy from UBRS say- Logains is such a noob I pwnd him last time he came to down here!! and Heliacon your next...


-Logains the valording say- WTF?? why do you have to call me out like that... and as I remember every time I drop by you you get your firy butt handed to you.... as for heliacon ehhh -shrug-

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Ok so...be nice be sociable and make friends got it. So how long do we have to be friends before i get to move from probation to member status. Its been a month am i going to have to start dating someone to get in tongue.gif

Just wondering smile.gif

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Ok so...be nice be sociable and make friends got it. So how long do we have to be friends before i get to move from probation to member status. Its been a month am i going to have to start dating someone to get in tongue.gif

Just wondering smile.gif


We're discussing current probies now Usagi! Should be sometime early this week that it all gets sorted out. =)

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Hmm, I think I can resist doing all of those things or at least most of them. I am not a beggar. liar or spammer so I think im safe. 8)

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